Dog Ears

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     Kirishima turns his head at the dark blob coming into view.  Misako is walking through the dining area toward the class with an elegant, easy sway to her hips.  She grins and waves at Ashido and walks over to Bakugo.  He's alone, sprawled out across a loveseat with a book.  It's a murder mystery, one he knows Misako has read because she absolutely loved it.  Something gutteral bubbles in his stomach and he turns his head away so he can't watch anymore.  
     "Can I borrow you for a moment?" she asks gently.  Kirishima always found her voice, no matter how thick a crowd, and this moment was no exception.  He looks back as Bakugo folds over the corner of a page and she pinches her lips with a small smile and shake of her head.  "Don't do that."  
     He shrugs and they walk out the front of the dorms together, her a step ahead as she leads the way.  They stand in front of the doors and this time, Kirishima can't tear his eyes away from their calm conversation.  Misako is talking animatedly and he can't help but watch how their eyes trail over each other's faces.  The pairs bob up and down in sync, swivelling around each other as her hands bounce around in front of her.  

     "Thank you," Misako says quietly.  "I really appreciate it."  
     "It's not a big deal," Bakugo answers.  "Nothing to do in this place, anyway."  
     "Is my book not entertaining?" she chuckles a bit as he pulls open the door.  
     "It's fine.  I don't like the protagonist.  She's annoying."  
     "I think she's supposed to be.  But everyone else is good.  Also, don't fold the page.  I'll give you a bookmark if you want."  They walk together, their feet landing so perfect they could race with the inner ones tied together and win easily.  
     Bakugo shrugs.  "I don't mind either way."  
     "I do.  Bookmark it is."  She turns forward and her eyes easily find Kirishima.  Something falls in them as her smile is dragged down across her face.  She blinks at him and flicks her fingers toward herself.  He stands quickly as she looks at Todoroki next, this time motioning with her head for him to come.  
     He settles out his conversation with Midoriya before standing.  She doesn't wait for either to reach her as she turns toward Bakugo and then all the way around.  The three follow her out the door, Bakugo still right by her side.  

     Bakugo's eyes trail over the metal fence wrapping around the property.  Misako grins at the two people standing by the gate, both in hero gear, though they're both different than the ones he saw previously.  
     "Afternoon," she greets cheerfully as she walks up to them.  She turns and lifts up her hair and they both lean in a bit before nodding.  
     "Morning, Miss," the woman hums.  
     "All mine," Misako chuckles as she waves her head at the three boys.  "Would you throw Taiga a text if he's not busy?  Mayu has a lesson so I can't reach her."  
     "Of course," the man says with a smile.  "Just personal?"  She nods.  
     "I haven't seen him in a while, so while I'm here."  She turns to the trio and waves them in.  
     Bakugo stays a step behind now, unfamiliar with the area.  Last time, they'd moved almost directly to the east on the right, but this time they went northwest, and for much longer.  
     They arrive at a classic suburban house, with multiple tiers of black rooves and smooth, light gray walls.  Misako uses a set of keys to open the tall gate and holds the door open as they filter in.  After shutting it, she drifts up the concrete path and to the doorstep Bakugo stands on.  The door opens to six-digit code she enters and they all walk in.  

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