Chapter 1

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- Mom?.. Gary? - i shouted their name as i was walking up from the basement, but no one answered. Where is everyone? As i got up i felt like the blood in my veins just froze. I couldn't move and my voice just disapeared. The only thing that came out of my mouth was my cold breath. I looked around and the firehouse was dark and empty. The only thing i've seen was a black fog starting to form infront of me. It got bigger, and bigger. And then two blue eyes appeared in it

- Your world will be destroyed.. my empire will rise..again - Garraka said.
- And you can't stop me..there will be nothing left..just ice..and death everywhere.. - it started laughing then its suddenly started flying towards me and then it crashed into me..

And that's when i woke up panting my lips were dry and i was sweating like i just run a marathon. This was the fourth time this week. Why i have these nightmares again. Its been 3 years since the fight with Garraka happened i thought i'm over it now. I haven't had these nightmares for a year now. But i guess here we are again. After i calmed down a bit i put up my glasses, and walked to the bathroom to change, and to get some water. Then i went back to my room, and i put the water down on my nightstand. As i was putting it down my eyes noticed that small little paper matchbox. I picked it up and then fell into my bed. Why i miss her this much, asked myself while i was looking at the box in my hand. She betrayed me and almost ended the whole world. And i should be angry and hate her, but i..i just miss her. Sometimes she appears in my dreams but its not with Garraka. Its just her or us as we stand infront of eachother in the lab. I was so close to her i could've thouch her i..could've kiss her.. Ugh what am i thinking, get a grip Phoebe. She is gone and she will never come back, no matter how much i want it... I put the little box back on my nightstand next to my glasses. Then i turned on my back and stared at the ceiling for a bit. I let out a sigh, and closed my eyes then i slowly fell back asleep.

- Pheebs breakfast is ready! - my eyes opened as i've heard my mom shouting. I rubed my eyes a bit then i sit up and but up my glasses. I walked into the the kitchen. - Mornin Phoebe

- Morning - answered as i sat down.

- You okay?

- Yeah just a little tired. Where's Trevor and Gary?

- They went for something for ecto. The lab got an upgrade for it.

- Like what?

- Something for the engine i think.

- Cool.

- How's school going?

- A lot better since i don't have to be in the classroom.

- Maybe you should think about going in sometimes. You know live a little be a teenager. Get some friends

- I have friends

- Collegues doesn't count Phoebe.

- Uh

- Look i get it you, love being a a scientist and a Ghostbuster. But you should try to live outside of fixing proton packs.

- I'm fine mom but thanks. I don't need friends anyway.

- Fine i let you off, now eat your breakfast - i just noded and started eating. When i finished i went down to the basement and started fixing some of the proton packs we have. After Garraka we decided to make a few proton packs with brass in it just in case. We never know what we can enounter. I lost my sense of time while i was there. But it felt like it could be a couple hours, i sat back in my chair and stretched out a little. I still felt tired from the small amount of sleep i got. I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier so i slowly started closing my eyes.

A sudden noise hit my ears so i opened my eyes. Then i looked around, i was in my room now. How did i get here? I don't remember going up here. I lifted my glasses and rubbed my eyes with two of my fingers. But when i looked down the proton pack i was fixin was gone, instead there was a chess board infront of me.

- Its your turn - said by a similar voice. I looked up and i saw Melody sitting infront of me. But she wasn't blue she looked..alive like had skincolor and the fire around here was gone. - What's up you're afraid of losing again?

- How are you here? Why are you here?

- Its a dream Phoebe i'm not here. You gonna step or what? - i looked at a chesspiece and moved it on the board. - Hm smart - she said then she mover her chesspiece. So did i. - Oh you got me - she said then started to look down on the board. So finally i had the chance to look at ther properly. Her hair was still in the same style, her skin looked perfect. As she reached for a chesspiece i grabbed her hand. She looked into my eyes and i looked into hers. - I'm sorry.. - she said with the same expression then before. Oh no not again..

- For what? - i asked and expected to get possesed again. But it never happened, she started pulling me closer and then she started leaning in. I wasn't even trying to stop her, i wanted it to happen. Even if its a dream i want to kiss her. So i started to lean in as well. We were only a few inches away...

- Phoebe come look at the new thing we got! - the shouting of Trevor ripped me out of my dream. My breathing was heavier but not like when i had those nightmares. It was somehow different. But i just shook my head then walked up from the basement.


Heyy there hope y'all had a good day and that you enjoyed the first chapter. Let me know in the comments. Its kinda weird to write again but it also feels good. See y'all in the next chapter stay hydrated and take care.

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