Chapter 8

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Hey lovely people first of all thank you for the 1k reads on this. I started writing here again to distract myself and as an escape, i didn't think this many would actually be interested in it. So thank you again for the votes, for the comments as well. Hope you enjoy this chapter. You can let me know your thoughs in the comments.


As soon as our lips connected i felt like time just stopped. None of my dreams could have compared to this feeling. Her lips were so soft and warm. The kiss was slow but my heart felt like its gonna burst out of my chest. Her hands were still on my waist holding me firmly. Sadly we had to pull away for air which left us panting. I was holding onto Melody's sweather for dear life because i felt like i'm gonna faint. But before i could even process it i felt her lips on mine again. This kiss was a different it was a bit heated and then suddenly i felt one of Melody's hand sliding under my shirt palming on my stomach.

- Melh.. - i pulled away and i sighed. - I don't think we should..oh god - my words got stuck in my throat when i felt her nails softly sliding down my stomach.

- I don't think i heard you - she said with an evil grin on her face. Then she started  doing the same thing but upwards. I had to bite my lip to silence myself because if anyone walks in on us i'm dead. She started giggling then pulled her hand out.

- Evil - i said then playfuly pushed her.

- Well, i can go if you want to.

- You're not going anywhere - i said it on a serious tone which took her by suprise cause she swallowed hard. - What the cat got your tongue? - i said teasingly then giggled. She grabbed onto my waist and pushed her hips towards me. That took my off guard a small whine slipped through my lips. Oh no why did i made this sound, i felt her staring at me so i turned my face away in embarrasment.
But she turned me back to face her.

- L..let's get some sleep i think - i cleared my throat. She smiled and stepped away a bit so i can walk up to my bed, i layed down on it. Melody did the same, and after i took of my glasses i snuggled up to her and placed my head on her chest. It was so calming  hearing her heartbeat.

- Good night - she whispered i rested my arm on her waist them closed my eyes.

- Good night.. - i said then i felt my eyes closing.

- Phoebe breakfast is ready! - i heard mom yelling. I opened my eyes and noticed that Melody was gone. I picked up my glasses then walked in the kitchen.

- Morning - i said then i sat down.

- Good morning - mom said then placed my plate infront of me. I started eating and after i finished i went back into my room. As i was laying down on my bed i noticed a little paper note on my nightstand.

" Good morning, sorry for leaving so early i wanted to save you from the trouble. I'm gonna leave my number so now you can call me.

P.s you're cute while you sleep. ,,

I felt my face warming up as i've read the last sentence. I still can't believe she is back, not that i complain about it. Just there's a little thought in the back of my head that something just feels off. Or maybe i just think to much about it, i should listen to Trevor's advice and just appreciate it that it happened.

2 days later

We were in the laboratory because Ray and Winston wanted to talk to us.

- So we might have a bit of problem.

- What do you mean? - Trevor asked

- So i got a book a few days ago it showed high energy levels so i brough it here. Phoebe and Lucky went to investigate after Larson fainted while he was examining the book. And found out the book contains an ancient egypt's gods soul his name is Ammon.

- What? Why didn't you told us this Phoebe

- I asked her not to because i wanted to get more information before telling anyone anything. - Winston said

- So they found out Ammon was locked up by Ra

- Like the egypt god? - Gary asked.

- Yes so after he got locked up in a cube Ra left the cube to the 5 member of the Circle of the light. But two of them decided to let out Ammon again in order to use his powers. But his plan was something else. He wanted to turn the gods against eachother in order to wipe off humanity from the face of earth. But his plan didn't worked because Ra stopped him and locked him up again. But this time in 3 different books which only can only be opened by a special spell and blood from a woken human

- Woken human? - Trevor asked

- Yeah we are not sure what that could mean. But Ra left the books to the 3 members of the Circle of light. Luckily one book isn't enough for him to use his powers. He needs all 3.

- Do we know anything about the other books - i asked.

- Not yet, but we're on it.

- Why are you telling us this now? - Callie asked.

- Because of this - he said and pulled out a newspaper which showed an article the British museum missing 2 urn. - Those two urns went missing 2 weeks ago.

- You think someone stole them in order to let them out? - Gary asked

- Probably, i doubt someone wanted them in their own collection. So this could mean someone wants to finish what they started back then

- What can we do about it? - i asked

- Just keep your eyes open. If there's anything strange tell us. We can't afford to let Ammon out, beacuse we might not be able to defeat him.

- We dealt with gods before.

- I know, but he is different, he can change into any human form and become our greatest fears. And who knows what else he could be capable of.

- Got it - Gary said.

- We are gonna look for any kind of sudden or weird energy changes in the city with the new sensors we set up - Ray said we all nodded. After a few minutes we were on our way to the firehouse.


See y'all in the next chapter

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