Chapter 13

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Hey peeps here is the next chapter. Also i have to say that from now on the publishing time will change. I had pre-written chapters, but due to some things in my life i wasn't able to focus on writing. So from next week there only be able to publish a chapter a week the day will be random, depending how much i can work on this. Sorry about this, adulting is tiring. Enjoy this chapter and see you in the next one. Have a nice day and thank you all for the 2k reads and comments <3


Its been a few hours since we were laying next to eachother in the bed. I was laying on Melodys chest while she played with my hair. I'm usally anxious in hospitals, but her closeness just makes me forget where i am. Her heart beating is the most relaxing sound.  I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and so i slowly fell asleep.

When i woke up i was alone in the bed. Sat up i and looked around, but couldn't find Melody anywhere. I climbed out of the bed then walked out of the room. The whole hospital was empty, and everything was quiet.

- Mel? - i called her, but got no response.

- Phoebe? - i heard my name from a room so i turned to that direction. When i walked in the room i've seen mom and Gary standing there.

- Why are you guys here, and where is everyone else? - i asked.

- You know you shouldn't be talking - mom said with a weird grin on her face.

- What?

- You are such a dissapointment - she said which just made me froze. - You think you are above anyone just because you are so smart. Its so annoying. - she said and i've felt the tears rolling down on my face.

- Oh look whos crying - Gary said. - I'm so glad you're not my real daughter. You are such a failure. - he said, my hands started shaking my throat was dry. And it became hard to breathe. The tears started pouring down on my face. I turned around but the door wasn't there.

- Phoebe.. - i heard a voice outside of the room, - Phoebe! - then i felt someone grab my shoulder.  When i opened my eyes everything was blury beacuse of the tears in my eyes. I needed a minute before i realized what happened. But i was still hyperventilating and my vision was blury because of the tears in my eyes.

- Phoebe you okay? - someone said but somehow i was barely able to tell who it was. I wiped my eyes and seen Melody above me with fear in her eyes. I looked at her and hugged her tightly and burried my face into her neck. - Hey its okay.. it was just a dream - she said and started rubbing my back. - You're here with me.. - she said. - Breathe.. - she said on a calm tone, which helped me calm down. My breathing started to became slower, and my heart rate also became normal. - You're doing great - she whispered, but suddenly someone slammed the door open.

- Is everything..oh - a nurse came in with a rush, but when she seen us she stoped in her tracks. - Please tell me you two wasn't doing it.

- What? No no! - Melody answered which made me smile and blush a little.
- She was having a nightmare i just tried to calm her down.

- Oh, okay, but can you climb off now?

- Oh right, yeah of course - she climbed down of me.

- Thanks - the nurse said then walked up to me. - Are you okay? Do you need anything?

- Can i get a glass of water please - i said with shaky voice.

- Of course one minute and i'll be here - she said, then walked out of the room, and after a minute she walked back with a glass of water. - There you go.

- Thank you - i said then i took the glass and drank from it.

- Do you feel better? How's your head?

- My head feels fine.

- Good, i let you rest now, push the button if you need anything. And you - she pointed at Melody. - Stay in the chair - she said, then walked out of the room. I looked at Melody who was sitting in the chair next to me. She looked back at me still worried.

- I'm sorry for scaring you.

- Its okay, you sure you okay?

- Yeah just another nightmare - i said. - It happens time to time.

- Do you remember it?

- Yeah, but i don't wanna talk about it.. - i said layed back down.

- Got it - she said then climbed back next to me so i looked at her. - You really thought i will listen to that nurse?

- I hoped you won't - i said then snuggled up to her. She started petting my head and i just played with her t-shirt. After a few minutes i slowly fell asleep again. The next day Melody had to leave early because she had stuff to do. But luckily the doctor said every test came back good so i can leave sooner. After a few hours i was back in the firehouse again. i was sitting at my desk when i heard knocking. - Come in - i said then turned around. The door opened and Lucky walked in.

- Hey

- Hey

- I heard you got home from the hospital so i though i check in. How are you?

- I'm alright.

- Good, you scared us pretty good.

- Yeah i don't know how that happened. Ghosts aren't this strong usally

- Yeah about that. Trevor mentioned you guys heard some kind of whispering before this happened.

- I thinks so. Why?

- So your comm system was able to record the whispering. We took the recording to Dr. Wartz.  He said that the language is probably Coptic.

- Isn't that language only spoken in some parts of Egypt?

- Yeah. He wasn't able to translate it.

- Maybe Emily could help - i said

- Your fangirl? - she giggled but i just rolled my eyes.

- She has more knowledge in this then us. I'll go and talk with her tomorrow.

- Okay

- Also did you guys find anything about the other books?

- Nope the other 2 is still missing. Looks like the they hid themselfs pretty good.

- At least that means the person who looks for them, wasn't able to find them either - i said but suddenly i heard beeping

- Ah that's me, i have to go - Lucky said then she pulled out her phone. - Looks like something happened in the lab.

- Want me to go with you?

- Nah you just rest. See you later - she said then ran out of me room. - i sat back in my chair and just started thinking.

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