Chapter 12

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Hey peeps here comes the next chapter. Hope you will enjoy it.


3 days later

I was sitting in my room working on something when i heard our alarm go off. I put down my stuff and ran out of my room. I pit on my suit then slid down the pole. We jumped in Ecto, then drove off.

- Where we're going? - i asked.

- The caller said they got attacked by a ghost in a old factory. They wanted to move out the old equipment from it then seen the pipes were melted from some kind of acid. Then a grayish form appeard with green eyes

- Acid?

- Yeah so we have to be careful. This could be a class 4 or 5 - Gary said as we arrived at the destination. - Okay let's bust this ghost.

- Oo looks like you practiced? - Callie asked when we got out of the car. We walked in and seen the pipes they were talking about. I walked up to one and took a bit of sample from it.

- So? - Trevor asked.

-  The tube didn't melted so this acid might only affects metal.

- So hopefully our face won't melt off from it? - he asked.

- Well we'll see - i said then i put on a glove

- Phoebe careful - mom said i just nodded then slowly touched the acid. The glove looked fine so i took of the glove.

- Okay that's a good sign.

- Yeah - i said then suddenly we heard growling from a direction. We turned our heads there amd started walking there. We turned in to a bigger part of the factory, and as we were looking around i noticed something moving in a corner. - There look.. - i whispered then pointed into that direction. We walked there then crouched down behind  an old machine. We looked out and seen the ghost eating on of the pipes. We looked eachother and wanted to walk closer but suddenly we heard talking. Like someone was reading a spell or something. Suddenly the ghost turned to us with blue eyes. It started screaming then flew towards us. Gary took a shot at it but it dodged it then it suddenly burped a big ball of acidy slime at us. We jumped away so it only got the machine. Which started to melt away after i got back up on my feet i also took a shot at it, and caught it.

- Trap it! - i yelled, but it started to fly so suddenly it picked me up, then before i could even react i felt my body slamming into a wall. Then the world just went dark. Then next thing i remember was some kind of beeping noise. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital room connected to a heart rate monitor. When i sat up my head started hurting so i hissed, and noticed a bandage on my head.

- Phoebe thank god! - mom ran up to me and hugged me.

- Quieter please - i whispered with pain in my voice. - What happened? - i asked whem she let go of me.

- You don't remember anything?

- Well i only remember going in the factory, then some kind of weird talking, but after that its nothing.

- Looked like that weird talking gave that ghost a boost. It just picked you up and slammed you into a wall. - Trevor said.

- How long i was out?

- Nearly a week - mom said which made my eyes open wide. - We were so worried you won't wake up.

- Did you guys caught the ghost?

- Yes. We got it after it knocked you out.

- Good when can i go home? - i asked

- The doctor said after you wake up they wanna do a CT and some other tests, to see if everythings alright. I just nodded, then layed back down.

- I go and tell the doctor she is up - Gary said then walked out of the room.

- We let you rest a bit, but we'll be out side if you need anything.

- Thanks mom - i said she just nodded, then she and Trevor walked out of the room. A few minutes later a doctor came in and asked some questions, amd after they ran dow the tests they brought me back to the room. The doctor said i have to spend in two more days, just to make sure everything is okay. My family had to go because of a call, so i got left alone in the room i hated hospitals, and having to stay in one alone terriefied me. Hearing the beeps of the machine next to me, i just wanted to be out of here. After a few minutes i heard my door open and when i looked there i've seen Melody standing there with tears in her eyes.

- Hi - i said with a tired tone, she haven't said anything just ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back then burried my face into her neck. I felt like every bit of fear inside of me just disappeared.

- Are you okay? How do you feel? - she asked and held my face between her palms.

- I've been better, but the doctor said i'll be okay. Just have to stay in today and tomorrow. - i said then looked into her eyes. - How did you know i was here?

- Well i read it in a newspaper, that you got injured, then i just followed your family here. - she said it and the tears started rolling down on her face. - I'm sorry i know i shouldn't have but i though you.. - but before she could finish the sentence i kissed her deeply. She kissed me back and moved her hand to the back of my head. She pulled me closer so i placed my hands on her waist.
- I've missed you - i said when i pulled away a bit.

- I really thought i lost you again - she said with shaky voice, and i could feel the pain in her voice. My heart almost broke hearing and seeing her like this. She really cares about me. I placed one hand on her face, which made her look at me.

- I love you - i said it suddenly i see she froze for a few seconds. She looked into my eyes and i could see her tears still. This made me scared so i wanted to say something else. But she suddenly pulled me back in the kiss. Then she gently pushed me down on the bed and sat on my legs. The kiss started to get heated, she traced her hand from my chest down to my stomach. Then her hand made its way under my shirt, and started to move her nails up and down on my bare stomach. I felt my body burning up she makes me crazy with this move. I let out a sigh and i swear i could feel her smiling on that. My heart rate monitor started to beep faster, so she pulled away. We were panthing and her hand was still under my shirt. After a few seconds she looked at me.

- I love you too - she said which made me smile like an idiot. - But don't you dare do this with me again.

- Sorry for making you worry - i said.
- Will you spend the night here?

- Yes - she answered instantly i smiled then moved away a bit so she coukd lay down next to me. She understood what i wanted so she layed next to me.

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