Writer's note

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Hi Andy here, this is a little info about this book and some other stuff about me. So this will be my first actual english work, so there wil be grammar mistakes and stuff but i wanted to take this leap because i always been more able to express myself like this. So yeah this is my first try. If you are an older reader of mine you know i've been away for a long time due to life. And i mostly wrote in hungarian before. But now i feel i have some mentality to come back. With a fresh mind and some new ideas. Not sure if i'm completely going to change to english first i  see how this one goes.

About the book:
So this book will take place 3 years from the happening of Frozen Empire.  You will read from Phoebe's pov and sometimes from mine. This book is kinda a fresh idea so no pre-wrote chapters like how i'm used to do writing here. I loved the movie so much it became my hyperfixation and special interest, and maybe beacuse there is a possible gay character/ ship in it who knows;) But my silly little gay soul couldn't let this ship slide. And i've been on a hunt for a good fanfic since i've watched it. So i thought why don't i just make my own, so if you like this idea or you are in the same place like me follow me through this story. I hope you'll enjoy it. Feel free to comment if you want to i'm open to conversations. See you in the first chapter

Andy out:)

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