Chapter 10

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Hey hey peeps. I kinda had to fight a battle with myself about how to do this chapter, but i hope you enjoyed it. Let me know in the comments. Take care and i'll see you in the next chapter.


- So uhm let's see just again don't expect much - she cleared her troath the started playing something on the guitar. - Maybe it's the way you say my name. Maybe it's the way you play your game. But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you
But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you - as i've heard her voice my heart just skipped a beat. It was so beautiful just like her. The sun perfectly shone on her skin and on her face. 

- Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile.

Wishing on dandelions all of the time
Praying to God that one day you'll be mine
Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time.. - she slowly stopped playing on the guitar then she placed it next to the bed. - I don't exactly remember the words so i might missed a few lines - she said it while she rubbed the back of her head. When she noticed i didn't answered she looked at me with slight fear in her eyes.

- It was beautiful - i said with amazement in my voice. I seen she blushed a little and turned her head away.

- You really think so?

- Yes - i answered instantly.

- Thank you - she said then looked back at me i just climbed over and kissed her gently.

- But i hope you know now i'm addicted to your voice - i said as i've pulled away a little.

- What a shame - she said sarcastically then pulled me back into the kiss. I smiled then kissed her back. I placed my hand on her face and moved closer to her. - Fuck this - she said and then she just sat on my lap. I was suprised at her action but then i just wraped my arms around her waist then pulled her closer. The kiss started to get heated she placed on hand on the back of my head, and the other was on my shoulder. I've never thought someone could get awaken such emotions or feelings in me. But simce i knew her i've imagined us kissing and now she is sitting in my lap. I don't know what im doing but i deffinetly won't let this stop me. And don't get me wrong i'm nervous as hell but these emotions inside of me are getting even stronger. Suddenly i felt a slight breeze on my skin which made me realize Melody took of my shirt so i only left in a top. Oh god now i'm getting nervous again. Not even my family seen me without clothes, and i still don't knkw what i'm gonna do. This isn't like science i never learned about something like this. What if i mess it up? My thoughts started spiraling and i could feel my hand shaking a bit. Oh no please not now.

- Phoebe.. - i heard Melodys voice which got me out of my thoughts a bit. - You're shaking. You know we don't have to do anything if you don't want it. - she said and looked at me with worry in her eyes. - I'm sorry for pushing you too far with this.

- No its not that. I.. i want it...its would be my first time and for things like this i feel stupid. If you ask me about what to do with atoms i'll tell you, i memorised the periodic table and.. - before i could finnish my semtence Melody placed one finger on my mouth.

- Its okay Phoebe.. we'll wait with this. Okay? - she said and i just nodded. She lifted off her finger from my mouth.

- Can we lay down a bit?

- Yes - she said then stood up from my lap. I climbed up and layed down on her bed. She put the guitar back to the stand then climbed next to me. She layed down so snuggled up to her and placed my head on her shoulder. She started playing with my hair and i could feel my eyes startimg to het heavier. And after a few minutes i fell asleep. I don't know how long i was asleep but i heard my phone ringin so i quickly opened my eyes and reached into my.pocket.

- Hello? - i said with a raspy voice.

- Phoebe its Trevor is everything okay? I met Podcast a few minutes ago and he said you weren't with him.

- Oh uhm yeah..i was actually uhm. I'll tell you when i get back can you cover me please?

- I already did.

- Thank you Trev

- No problem i don't knkw what are you doing but stay safe okay?

- I will. Now i gotta go bye - i said then ended the call. Great now how am i going to talk myself out of this. I layed back in the bed, then i realized i'm still in Melodys room. I sat up again then i noticed my glasses wasn't on my head. Instead it was on the bed next to me. I picked it up then put it on. I stood up then walked out of the room and went downstairs. - Mel? - i asked then stop for a second

- Hey sleeping beauty - she greeted me as she walked out of a room.

- How long i was out? - i asked and yawned.

- 2 hours maybe?

- Why didn't you wake me up?

- You were sleeping so peacfully and cutely.

- Did you watched me in my sleep you weirdo - i said playfully.

- Maybe i did - she said and gave a kiss on my cheek.

- I should get going Trevor know i wasn't with Podcast.

- Oh oh did your parents know?

- No, he covered me but i have to explain it to him.

- I'm sorry for getting you into so much trouble.

- You didn't, i'll call you later and tell you how it went - i said then gave her a quick kiss on the lips. - Bye

- Bye

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