Chapter 7

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- Ughr.. - i growled a little then reached into my pocket and stepped away from Melody. - Y..yes? - i stutterd beacuse my heart was beating like crazy still. And i was just trying to catch my breath.
- Hello? - i asked again but no one answered. I ended the call then i've seen a message from mom asking where am i. I quickly aswered "im on my way" then i put my phoke back to my pocket. I  looked at Melody who was still a bit red from what just almost happened. I smiled on how flustered she is. - You okay? You seem a bit red. - i said teasingly.

- Very funny - she said with a grumpy tone in her voice.

- I have to go now. I'll meet you later okay? - i said and she just nodded. - Do you have a place to stay by the way?

- Yeah, there is an old lady i'm helping out in return she lets me live there.

- Okay don't you dare dissapear on me - i said while seriously looked into her eyes.

- Never again - she said with a soft tone.
- And you owe me a kiss anyway

- See you later then - i said then winked.  As i was walking  back home i was still thinking about what just happened. She is really back and we almost kissed now actually. Now there is only one thing i have to figure it out. How to tell this to my family, cause she was the girl who nearly ended the world. Not not to mention how would they react to the fact i wanna date a girl. Ugh why is being a teenager is so difficult. Maybe i should just try and tiptoe around the topic? Yeah that's a good idea. As i got back home i walked up and seen mom and gary sitting on the couch.

- I'm back

- Where were you? - mom asked.

- I was just walking in the city.

- Next time message me or Gary at least.

- Sorry - i said come one Phoebe now is the time. - Can i talk with you for a bit?

- Yeah sure what's up kiddo?

- So hipoteticaly how would you guys react if i want to start dating someone? - i asked.

- What? You mean you have a boyfriend?

- What no! It was just a question - oh great i forgot i can't lie.

- Well i don't mind - Gary said.

- Seriously? You wouldn't mind?

- What? She's just being a teenager.

- Yeah but she is too young for dating.

- I'm 18 years old most teenagers are already pregnant in this age.

- What?

- Phoebe i think its better if you don't say things like that right now. - Gary said.
- Callie please calm down, she just asked a what if.. question right? So dosen't mean there is boy in the picture.

- Is it Podcast? - Callie asked.

- What? No! He is my best friend.

- Is it Lars then?

- Mom he is like 23 years old. I told you it was just a question, but good to know this is how you react. - i said then walked into my room.

- Pheebs wait! - i heard Callie calling me, but i just slammed my door in. Well that went very well, now i can imagine how would they react to the fact its Melody. Its so frustrating that they want me to act like a teenager, but they get angry at me for doing so. I mean mom, Gary looked cool with it. I changed into my pj's then layed down on my bed. After like 20 minutes i heard knocking on my door. - Can i come in? - i heard mom from the otherside of the door.

- Sure - i sat up then looked at her.

- I'm sorry for how i reacted before - she said when she sat down on my bed. - Of course i don't mind if you wanna start dating. I just have get used to you growing up. But if you feel like you're ready then me and Gary wouldn't mind.

- Thanks mom - i said.

- So now that we are talking about this. I think you need to hear about some other things.

- Please don't tell me you wanna talk about sex.

- Look its normal if you are starting be interested about such thing. Because your body going through some changes.

- Omg stop please! - and i threw a pillow at her lightly i started laughing a little so did mom.

- Okay okay just promise me you'll be careful who you're gonna trust.

- I promise - i said.

- Alright dinners gonna be ready soon - she said then stood up.

- Okay - she walked out of my room so i layed back down.

Few hours later

Suddenly i got woken up by knocking in the middle of the night. Sat up in my bed and picked up my glasses then looked around. I heard the knocking again ehich came from my window. I looked there and seen Melody at my window. I climbed out of my bed then i corrected my clothes and opened the window.

- What are you doing here? - i asked as i stepped away so she can climb in.

- What it looks like? I wanted to see you - she said with a tone, that made my heart beat faster. - Your room barely changed - she said as she looked around.

- Yeah - she walked up to my nightstand and picked up the machbox she gave me.

- You kept it?

- Of course, the only thing that reminded me of you - i said then looked at her while i leaned into my desk. She put the box back on my nightstand, then she walked up to me. She hugged me and burried her face into my neck. I hugged her back tightly and started rubbing her back. Her hands slowly slid down on waist and, then she pulled me closer. She pulled away and looked into my eyes.

- Your eyes are pretty - this made me smile and blush at the same time. - So does your smile - she said and i felt my face warming up even more. She grabbed my waist a bit harder, so let out a sight. - Not talking about your lips - she whispered.

- Are you teasing me?

- Maybe - she whispered as she leaned closer so i felt her breath on my lips  again. - This is payback - she said and i could feel her smiling.

- Just shut up - i said then finaly connected our lips

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