Chapter 16

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As she started going faster with her tongue, i sighed out while my hands were nearly ripping into my sheets. She started to pick up the pace even more, and its felt like im gonna lose it already. Then she suddenly stopped and i just let out a whine to let her know i don't enjoy the fact she stopped. She started to place kisses on my lower sromach and then on my belly area. I looked down on her and slowly moved one hand and run it through her hair. She looked up at me her eyes were full of lust and love. I bit on my lower lip when i saw it, i never though someone will ever look at me like this. It sent shivers through my whole body. She climbed up to me, while she pushed herself down on me. I moaned and i threw my head back a little. Oh god how is she so good at this. I felt her hands going between us, then i heard a zipping sound. She pushed the hem of her pants lower. So her lower stomach could make contact with my pussy. She then slowly started to move up and down. It was a bit weird at first, but when she pushed herself closer i moaned. I held onto her hair and when she made a stronger movement i pulled her hair accidentaly. She moaned which caught me off guard, but i wasn't complaining. Looks like she is into this huh. I moved my other hand on her back then i gently moved my nails on the line of her spine. As a reaction she made a stronger push which made the air in my lungs stuck for a second. Every movement she made, just pushed me closer and closer to the edge. But i just didn't wanted it to stop yet, having her this close to me felt heavenly. Her skin was so soft, and warm, and her scent just makes me go wild. I wanted to hear her so bad, i wanted her to make the sounds i did. My head was full of these thoughts. Suddenly she stopped so i looked at her. She kissed me and i kissed back. I felt her hand moving between us, and then i felt one of her finger on my entrance. Suddenly i felt nervous again, i know what she wanted. I held onto Melody's shoulders. She slowly pulled away, and looked at me. She removed her finger and placed her and on my chest.

- Im sorry.. - i whispered and i could feel the tears in my eyes. - I just.. - but before i could say more words she kissed me.

- I want you to feel good Phoebe so if you don't feel ready for something i won't do it. - she said it after she pulled away. - I do what you say.. - she whispered into my ear on a tone that made me shiver. And suddenly i felt two of her fingers on my clit. She started circling on it which made me throw my head back.

- Melody.. - i said her name so she looked at me. - I want you toh..- i tried to form a sentece, but her fingers picked up the pace. - you're tongue..

- Want me to use my tongue? - she said and i was so glad she did it.

- Yes.. - she kissed me then started planting kisses on my chest, my stomach, and on my lower stomach. Then i finally felt her tongue on my clit. She started with gentle licks, but then she placed her lips aroung my clit. And started to move her tongue faster. I closed my eyes because i could feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge. My breathing become faster almost like i was panthing. I had to cover my mouth to shut the loud moans that wanted to come out. I know Melody noticed my reactions cause she picked up the pace even faster. And this was my final blow. I felt my body starting to shake and i felt that euphoric feeling going through my body. I wanted to scream, but i had to hold it back. And after one movement from Melody's tongue my back arched. I ran through my hand on Melody hair to kinda held her in place. I slowly felt my body comming off from the high, so Melody started to slow down as well. My breathing started to become slower, but my heart was still racing. Melody stopped and climbed back up to me, and started ribbing my chest gently. She waited till i calmed down. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her.

- Are you okay? - she asked.

- More than that - i answered.

- Good - she smiled and started to rub my stomach gently. Her touch was so soft and gentle. I gently grabbed her hand and crossed our finger together. I gave her a kiss on her cheek then i slowly climbed out of bed. I walked up to my clothes and picked them up. I could feel Melody's eyes one me. I turned around and seen her laying on her back staring at me.

- What? - i asked her with a smile.

- Nothing you're just beautiful. - she said and i felt my face warming up. I turned back around and started to put on my clothes. I picked up her tshirt and bra walked back to her. She put them on and layed back down. I layed down next to her and put my head on her chest. She started playing with my hair. I slowly fell asleep

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