Chapter 6

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When i got there looked around but haven't seen her yet. So i sat down on one of the benches and waited. It was five minutes past 3 so i started to get nervous, well more nervous then i already was. What if she decides to just not come here. Maybe it was a bad idea to accept the invitation, becasue there is still a chance she isn't Melody. Just a random girl who looks like her. But then why was she there and said something made her come out? And she beat at chess like she did. I was looking at my boots and started spiraling and overthinking everything. But then suddenly i've noticed someone walking up to me. I looked up and seen Mel standing there in a light blue dress with a blouse on. Her skirt was knee lenght and she had a white shoe on. God she looks amazing. I stood up and looked into her eyes

- Hey - she smiled which somehow made every bad thought in my head dissapear.

- Hi - i said then smiled back.

- Sorry for making you wait.

- Its fine.

- So ready?

- Yeah, but where we are going?

- Well i though we could walk a bit in the city. Then we could grab something to eat maybe?

- Sounds good.

- Cool, let's go - she said and we started walking. - Soo tell me a bit about yourself. I know you like to play chess but what else that interests you?

- Science mostly, i love science since i was a kid. Im kind of a science a nerd.

- I like nerds - she said which made me blush, so i turned away a bit. But i heard her giggle a bit.

- What about you? - i asked after i was able to calm myself down.

- Well, i like music, and i like to draw.

- Do you play any instruments?

- Yeah i can play guitar - she said

- I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar. Once my mom had a boyfriend who played in a band, and i tried to play on his guitar. He said i'm so bad its better if i never touch any instrument.

- That dude was an asshole.

- Yeah. Or maybe im just not good with stuff like these.

- I'm sure you are

- I doubt it.

- I think i could tottaly teach you how to play guitar.

- Really?

- Yeah. Its like dancing you just have to feel it

- I never danced in my life - i said silently.

- You kidding - she said and i shook my head as an answer. - You never went to parties with your friends?

- Well i don't have many friends. I only have 2 and they are kinda like me. Most people think i'm weird or boring so they avoid me at all cost.

- How could a Spengler be boring - she said and when i heard what she said i stopped and looked at her.

- How do you know my last name?

- Oh uhm.. didn't you mentioned it? - she scratched the back of her head.

- No i didn't

- Uhmm - she said then just let the air out of her lungs. - Fine you got me.

- Its really you isn't it?

- Yes

- I knew it.

- Well you are a genius

- Wait how long are you..

- Alive?

- Yeah

- A month - she said and my face went serious, but on her face fear and worry  started to appear.
- I know i should have come sooner, but i was afraid that you're gonna hate me for what happened back then. And i just..i don't know I'm so.. - but before she could have said something i run up to her and hugged her. As thight as i could. She hesitated a bit, but then she hugged me back. One of her hand was on my back, and the other held the back of my head.

- You have no idea how much i've missed you.. - i said then buried my face into her neck.

- I've missed you too. I'm sorry it took me this long - she said but nothing came out of my mouth. Only my tears started falling down on my face. I pulled away so i can look into her eyes.

- How?

- I don't know. After Garraka i was up there, but in that time i just felt like something was pulling me back here. And then there was something bright then i woke up in a middle of a field.

- I'm glad you're back, but also - i said then suddenly punched into her shoulder but not very strongly.

- Ouch

- This is for the whole betraying and lying to me part.

- Okay i deserved that - she admited

- Yeah and it was also for not tellimg me you are back.

- I knew you're gonna find out eventually. I just wanted to see how you react.

- You really though i would hate you?

- Well i nearly ended your family and the world, that's something most people would hate me.

- I'm not like most people. 

- I know.. i was just afraid. But since i came back i was thinking about this, and about you. The fact that, now i can hug you, and i can k.. - she bit off the end of the sentence. She wanted to say what i think she wanted?

- You can what? - i asked and looked at her curiously

- I wanted to.. uhm - she said, but when i stepped closer she swallowed hard, then went silent.

- Wanted what? - i said then started to lean closer.

- You play a dangerous game - she said.

- Oh am i? - i asked and smiled, but then she suddenly grabbed my waist. Which  made me realize what is happening right now.

- I wanted to kiss you so badly since i came back to life.. - she whispered and i felt her warm breath on my lips. We were only a few inches away. But then my phone started ringing. You have to be kidding me.


I know, i know please don't hate me they will kiss soon..maybe;) Hope you enjoyed this part anyway. See you in the next chapter. Stay hydrated and take care.

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