Chapter 2

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The next day

I was walking out of my college building because i had to sit in for a test today. But since i was the first one who finished it, so i was able to leave earlier. Luckily  beacuse i just dislike being in college. I can't seem to fit in. Not like it bothers me i feel fine on my own. When i  turned out of the gate i suddenly crashed into someone, which made me drop my book.

- Sorry i was in a rush - said by a somehow similar voice. - Are you okay?

- Yeah yeah - pushed back my glasses then i looked at the person infront of me.  My eyes widened as i've seen Melody infront of me. She picked up my book then looked at me. - You sure you okay? You look like you just seen a ghost

- I kinda did.

- What?

- Nevermind

- Alright, anyway i have to go now sorry again - she gave me back my book and then she walked away. I just looked at her figure disapper as she walked down the streets. This can't be, it can't be her. Am i also hallucinating now? If the dreams weren't enough already. I tried to shook off the thought the i decided to just continue to walk home. When i got in the alarm just went off.

- Suit up Pheebes its a ghost attack. - Callie shouted as she jumped in the car. I dropped my book on the table and put on my suit and followed her in the car.

- I can finally see what the new engine is capable off.

- Easy cowboy stay at the speed limit. Okay?

- Fun killer - Trevor said as we drove off. While we were on our way i was still thinking about the encounter at my college. It couldn't be her, but she had the same hairstyle, and her face was the same. Ugh why am i still thinking about this, focus Phoebe. I shook my head and stared out the window. After a few minutes we arrived to the destination. We got out and looked at the building. Many people were out and some of them was covered with a grayish slime.

- What happened? - Gary asked a random person.

- I don't know i only heard a loud roar - the man answered.

- Alright Spenglers lets trap this ghost - Gary said.

- That was lame - Trevor reacted.

- It was a good try in my oppinion - Callie said.

- Thanks, okay lets go in. - he said, then we walked into the building, and looked around. The walls were covered with that gray slime. I slowly walked to one of the walls and touched the slime with my pointer finger.

- Any idea what this could be? - Trevor asked.

- Not yet, but its probably a class 3 - i answered then wiped my finger into Trevors suit and walked away.

- Let's split up use the radio if you see something. I go with Gary. Trevor you go with Phoebe - Callie said, we both nodded then started walking in different directions.

- Why chemists good for solving problems?

- Oh no not again.

- They have all the solutions

- You still bad with the jokes - Trevor reacted as we walked up some stairs. After a bit of silence i walked up to him.

- Trevor can i ask you something?

- If its another joke i'll pass.

- It's not

- What's up?

- Do you think anyone could come back after like passing as a ghost?

- As a human?

- Yeah.

- I think it could be possible.

- Really?

- Yeah.

- How?

- I don't know. You only asked if its possible. But sometimes you don't  always have an answer to things. Sometimes it just happens, and we should just appreciate it not searching why it happened, or how it happened. - he said. - But why are you asking this?

- Just an experience.

- You know you can't lie very well right?

- Okay, okay, so i think i've seen Melody while i was walking out of college today.

- Melody? The ghost girl who nearly ended the world.

- Yeah..

- Are you sure it was her?

- No Trevor, that's why i asked what i asked.

- Maybe she just looked similar?

- Yeah maybe, but she looked too similar.

- She was a ghost when you met her. So how do you know?

- I have good memory

- I think your brain just playing with you.

- I doubt it. I have to find out if its her.

- Look what ever you do just be careful okay?

- Okay but please don't tell this to mom or Gary or anyone.

- Okay, but in return you will do my chores for a week.

- This is blackmail

- No this is making a deal. You in? - he asked and held out his hand.

- Ugh fine - i rolled my eyes then shook his hand. Then we noticed some strange noises coming from a room. We looked at eachother, then started walking towards the noise. Then our sensors started beeping. We walked into a room with a big chandelier. But in there it was another room. And the door was slightly open, our sensors started goimg crazy. So we continued to walk towads that room. I slowly opened it and saw a weird puffy form with two pump on its head. It was currently munching on a table. So i looked at Trevor, he just nodded then started walking to the otherside of the ghost. I reached for my gun and pointed at the ghost. But then Trevor stepped on glass. So the ghost stopped eating and turned towards him. Then it let out a loud high pitched roar. - Now! - i yelled then i fired at it. But it dodged it so i only blew out of the wall behind. Then it started flying towards Trevor so he had to jump away. Then the ghost flew through the ceiling

- Trevor you okay?

- Yeah

- I missed it

- We will catch it don't blame yourself - he said. Then we suddenly heard the door open.

- Everyone is alright? - Callie asked as she walked up to us.

- Yeah, but the ghost escaped and went to
the 3rd floor.

- Let's go then. - she said


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