Chapter 5

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The next day

When we arrived at the adress we were standing infront of an old house. It kinda looked like my grandfathers farm in Summervile. But it wasn't that big, me and Lucky looked at eachother, then walked up to the door. I knocked on the it then took a step back. After like two minutes an old lady opened the door.

- Oh hi there dears, can i help you two with anything.

- Yeah did you brought an old book Ray's store right?

- Oh yes i found it in my attic. It was probably my late daughter's

- Do you know anything about that book? - i asked.

- Not really, maybe ask my grandkid she knows a lot about these kind of things. Come on in let's sit down while i find her. - the lady said then oppened the door wider so we can walk in. As we walked in i looked around, there was a lot of old paintings on the walls. And a shelf with full of books. Me and lucky sat down on the couch amd waited.

- This places smells haunted - Lucky whispered

- Yeah pretty much - i agreed.

- Do you think they know something about the book?

- Hopefuly, because they are the only lead we have. - i said then we heard steps so we stood up.

- Okay i don't know what do you guys want but - someone said, then a young girl walked in. She looked at us then dropped the book that was in her hand.
- Omg you're Phoebe Spengler!

- Do i know you?

- No, but im a big fan.

- A fan?

- Yours and your family's actually. The ghostbusters - she said and walked up to us. - I can't believe you're here like standing in my livingroom.

- Well i'm here beacuse we need information about the book your grandmother brought to Ray's. Do you know anything about it?

- Oh yeah yeah, of course follow me - she said then quickly turned around and started walking up some stairs.

- Looks like you have a fan now - Lucky said then she giggled. - I bet she has a little shrine of you

- Dude shut up, i hope not - i said but she just started laughing. I pushed her gently, then we walked after the girl. When we got up we seen a door open so we walked in. Then we seen a room full of books and some kind of machines.

- Sorry for the mess i wasn't expecting company - the girl said then pulled down a book and dropped it on her table. - I bet you two know about the Egyiptian gods.

- Yeah.

- So there was a god no one really knows about. Ammon he was evil he could change into anything, even to your biggest fears. And he wanted to rule the world, and destroy all humans saying they are worthless.

- How kind - Lucky said

- Ra decided, that he is too dangerous, and powerful. So he closed him in an urn with copper, and he trusted this urn on The Circle of the Light. As years went by two peple Abasi and Layla wanted to rule Egypt. They wanted to let Ammon out so they can use his power to step above all humans. But Ammon killed them, and wanted to continue his plan. He was able to turn the gods towards eachother, and brought war to them. Which lead to catastrophic events on earth. Volcanic erruptions, the Nile flodedd and many other things. Ra and the Circle fought with Ammon and was able to win, but this time they placed him in 4 copper covered books. With locks that only a god can open. Each book has a part of him in it. So it has to be seperated. The book that you guys have was my mothers book. She was a descended of the circle.

- Where are the other 3 books?

- I don't know, my mother said the members spreaded all over the world, in order to protect the book. Making sure no one can connect them and let Ammon out again. But i remember she wrote some notes - she pulled out a drawer and picked up a leather book.
- Here she felt like something coming so she wanted to warn everyone. These are her notes

- We have to tell this to Winston. - i said and grabbed the book. - Thank you for the help. Uhm?

- Oh im Emily

- Emily

- You're welcome i'm glad i helped.

- Now we have to go, call us if something else comes up - i said then we walked out of the room. Then out of the house. When we made our way back to the lab. We instantly went to Winston and told him everything. He doubtes us at first, then after he read the notes Emily gave us he said he have to make some calls. But he told me not to tell this to anyone yet, not even to my family. After we finished me and Lucky walked out of the office. I glanced at the clock and realized its half past two.

- Shit i have to go!

- Where? Do you have a date or something? - she chuckled but when i went silent her face expressions went serious. - Dude you have a date?

- Kinda - i answered rubbing the back of my head. - Please don't tell this to anyone especially not to Trevor.

- Okay okay, but you have to tell me everything later.

- Okay.

- Now go, don't be late.

- Thanks - i said then ran out of the lab. I rushed home to change into something else. After i was done i stood infront of my mirror. I decided on a beige short with a white short sleeved shirt and a black top and a pair of black boots. I took a deep breath then i made my way to the park.


Soo hey there peeps. First of all this part came from my imaginations few things can be real but mostly its just made up. Hope you enjoyed it though. See you in the next chapter.

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