Chapter 11

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Well i nearly forgot to publish this lol. But here is the next chapter hope you enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts in the comment.

When i got home i noticed that Ecto wasn't there that, means my parents weren't home. Good at least i don't have to explain this to them yet. I walked upstairs and then knocked on Trevors room.

- Trev? - i slowly opened the then walked in.

- So what's up with you in the past week? I mean i know but i wanna hear it from you.

- You know?

- Yeah i'm not stupid. Do you have a boyfriend?

- Well kind of. So do you remember when i asked you if its possible to come back from the afterlife?

- Yeah

- So Melody came back to life - i said which made him freeze a bit.

- Excuse me?

- Yeah i was meeting her in the past days/week.

- So you want to tell me that your ghost "friend" who nearly killed us, came back to life after the afterlife?

- Yeah

- You're sure its her?

- Yes

- Aha just one question what's gotten into you? She betrayed you - he said with anger in his voice.

- She didn't mean to just wanted to be with her family.

- Oh yeah of course, but if she did it once she could do it again.

- She won't Trev. She isn't a bad person

- Phoebe you don't know this this its just your emotions making you believe that.

- That's not true

- I don't trust her

- Can you at least give her a chance? Please i've never felt like this towards anyone. You know me i don't let people close to me, but with her its different - i said and looked at him. - Please..

- Fine - he said after a bit of silence. But maybe avoid meeting her after a few dayy. Mom starting to get suspicious about it.

- Okay Thank you Trevor

- Just please be careful  with her okay? I don't want to see you like thst again.

- Okay

- Good. And i won't tell about her to Mom.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome. - he said then i walked out of his room amd went into mine. I picked up my phone then i typed in her number and i've waited.

- Hey babe - she picked it up but the words stuck in my throat after hearing the nickname.

- H..hi - i stuttered into the phone.

- Is everything okay?

- Kind of.

- Let me guess, he wasn't a fan of the fact that its me

- Yeah. He is still angry about that you betrayed me.

- I don't blame him. He is your brother still and wants to protect you.

- Yeah, but he won't tell it to my parents.

- That's a plus at least.

- Yeah also we can't meet for a few days.

- Why?

- My mom starting to get suspicious about my disappearances. Trevor said i should avoid this for a few days.

- I feel like i'm just getting you into more and more trouble. I'm sorry - she said  with sadness in her voice.

- You're not, but even if you do i don't care. I..- i started to say it but i got scared.

- What?

- I mean its not like you're forcing anything on me. - i said it after a bit of slince.

- I know - she said it but then i heard ecto pulling in. I knew my moms first thing will check up on me.

- I have to go now.

- Okay see you after a few days then?

- Yes i call you when.

- Okay. I..uh - she but of the end if the sentence. - Bye

- Bye - i said then ended the call. I changed into my pj and layed down on my bed. And i i've thought after a minute or two i heard steps infront of my door.

- Phoebe you home? - i heard mom asking from the otherside of the door.

- Yeah - i answered, she opened the door and looked at me.

- So how was your day?

- It was okay.

- What did you do with podcast?

- He neded some with research for his next topic. It was about scientific stuff.

- Boring. Alright i let you do your thing, just wanted to check up on you. - she said then closed the door behind her. I turned on my back and started reading a little.

The next day

I went to the lab because i wanted to see how's everything going.

- Hey Phoebe - Lucky greeted me when i've walked in

- Hey. How things going here.

- Pretty calm. How did the date went? - she asked.

- Oh uhm it went well i guess - i said but i felt my face warming up.

- Dude give me details. How was he, did you guys kissed?

- Uhm well he wasn't a he - i said looking at the floor. I sensed that se stopped next to.

- Wait you mean?

- Yeah - i answered and looked back at her.

- Oh. So how was she then?

- Wait aren't you shocked or suprised?

- Not really i've seen what you did for that ghost girl back then.

- Ah right - i started rubbing my neck in embarrasment.

- So i'm not suprised.

- And you're not bothered by it?

- Why would i? You're my friend Phoebe.

- Thanks - i said then Winston walked out of his office.

- Hello Phoebe.

- Hey. How is the book searching going?

- Well we found one. Its burried in a graveyard in The Netherlands. The owner last wish was to be burried with him.

- So we're just gonna leave it there?

- We can't do much else, no one would let us disturb someones peace for a book. But i told some friends there to keep an eye out just in case someone tries to do something. They will inform us if something happens.

- Okay. How's Lars?

- He decided to take a few days off. He still have headaches. And we decided to put the book under a proton case to block its powers. We don't want any other accidents, but now i have to go. I'll have a meeting.

- Bye then - we said and the he walked out of the lab. I stayed at the lab for a few hours then went home.

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