Chapter 3

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3 days later

It was around 11 pm and i was sitting in the park, because i couldn't sleep. So instead of looking at my ceiling i decided to come out here. Somehow this place just calmes me down. Its so peaceful at night. After a bit of time i decided to take out my chess pieces set them up and started playing.

- Isn't chess needs two people to play - heard someone so i looked up and seen the girl who i met at my school. She was wearing a hoodie and jeans

- Oh hey.

- Why are you playing alone? - she asked while she sat down on the bench infront of me.

- Well do you see anyone else around?

- I'm here

- Can you play?

- Kind of

- Let's see then - i put the chess pieces back to their places and looked at her. She started to observe the board then took the first step. We were playing for a couple of minutes when i noticed an evil grin on her face.

- Chekmate - she said and i looked at the board.

- How?

- Starters luck i guess - she said then she looked at me. - Don't worry you were pretty okay - she smiled, which made me rolled my eyes and started to rearrange the pieces

- Do you have a name by the way? - i asked.

- Yeah im Mel

- Mel like?

- Just Mel this is how everyone calls me.
- What's yours?

- I'm Phoebe.

- Nice to meet you. So tell me why a girl like you is out at this hour? Its kinda weird don't you think?

- You are here as well - i said and looked at her she stopped for a minute, then she just chuckled

- Touché. Sometimes i just to go out here. The nights are peacful - she answered.
- What about you?

- I just couldn't sleep.

- May i ask why?

- Bad dreams.

- Oh that's rough.

- Yeah. Wanna play another round?

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, i won't go easy on you this time.

- Alright, go on then - she said and we started playing again. After an hour i sat back in my seat and sighed. - Go easy on me huh?

- Shut up, how are you so good in this? - i asked but she just shrugged her shoulder. I just shook my head in disbelief then i looked on my phone. Oh shit i started packing back the chesspieces then stood up.

- You're going already?

- Yeah its pretty late. - i said which made her look at her phone.

- Oh shit - she cursed. - Well bye then

- Bye - i looked at her one last time then i started walking home. When i got home i changed then went up to my room. I layed down and took off my glasses. I closed my eyes then fell asleep.

- Phoebe time to get up! - i heard mom yelling. I slowly opened my eyes then picked up my glasses. I climed out of bed then walked to the kitchen. - Morning.

- Morning - i said with a tired voice.

- Oh morning. Winston asked us to go in the lab today they need our help in something - she said.

- In what?

- He didn't told me, he said it would've been complicated to tell through phone.

- Okay

- You okay kiddo? - Gary asked when he looked at me.

- Yeah i'm just tired.

- You sure?

- Yeah. - i answered then started eating. After we finished i changed then we went to the lab right away. As we walked in something just flew infront of us so jumped back a bit.

- What was that?

- This was Speedy - Lucky answered when she walked up to me. - A class 3 type and very very fast. We got it out of a possesed car card. Now we're trying to catch it.

- That's why Winston needed us to come here? - Callie asked

- Oh no no its something else. He is in the office. Now sorry but i have to catch this speedster. - she said then ran away. We walked in the office where Wisnton and Ray were walking about somerhing.

- Hey guys - Gary greeted them so they looked at us.

- Ah the Spenglers welcome here.

- Why you needed us? - i asked

- Well i actually have a suprise for you all. We got you a new suit - he said and pushes a button which revealed the said suits. The color stayed the same like on our current one, and the badges remained in the same places. But the protectors were sewed in the suit and looked like it became a bit more sturdy.
- We used a fabric that won't let slime sticking into your suit. Also the fabric won't rip easily, and it will fit everyone perfectly. We also put some more protection in it.

- Cool - i said and walked there to check them from closer.

- Wanna try it on?

- I'm good thanks

- Okay okay, so everyone will get 3 sets from these. We will deliver them to the firehouse today.

- Thank you, Winston we really they look so cool. Did you managed to solve the bathroom problem? - Gary asked then they started talking so thst was my chance to sneak out of the office. I started to look around in the laboratory. Things changed here, the whole laboratory got bigger. I always love coming here. As i was walking my eyes got caught on a book under a glass box. I walked up to it then looked at it.

- Careful don't look at it too long - Larson said.

- Why?

- It makes your head hurt.

- What kind of book is this?

- Something from ancient egypt probably. An old lady found it in her attic. And she decided to drop it of at Ray's, but after Ray's PKE sensor showed high energy levels so he decided to bring it here.

- Did he read it?

- No he wasn't able to open it. Which is weird since its made out of copper and bronze. But looks like a lock has some kind of spell on it. I leaned closer to the glass and looked at the lock.

- What's the plan with it.

- We don't know yet. We tried to extract the ghost out of it. But nothing came out. So we just keep it locked up until we figure it out.

- Phoebe you coming? - i heard Gary yell.

- Yeah i'm coming! - i answered.


Heyo peeps hope that you enjoyed the new chapter. Thank you for the above 100 reads already. Y'all are awesome it means a lot. Also things are gonna speed up a bit from now. So see you in the next chapter;)

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