Chapter 9

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So just a question i'm having a debate with myself, about having some spicier scenes written here and there. Let me know your thoughts in the comments about that. Now enjoy the new chapter see you in the next one


When we got back to.the firehouse, i walked up to my room i sat down to study a bit. After 2 hours, i sat back in my chair, and stretched out my arms. I stood up from my desk and walked to my bed to sat down on it. Suddenly my eyes got caught on the match box. So i pulled out my drawer, to pick up the note Melody gave me. I took my phone into my hand and started to typing the numbers, when i finsihed i hit call. I held the phone to my ear and just waited.

- Hello? - she spoke into the phone

- H..hey - i stuttered which made me slap my forehead a bit.

- Oh hey, i though missed my noted.

- No i found it, i was just a bit busy and wasn't able to call you.

- Better later then never. You okay?

- Yeah just a bit tired

- Was i snoring or something? - she giggled which made me smile.

- I mean, i don't know

- The correct answer would have been no, but i let you off this time.

- How generous of you.

- Exactly - she said which made me laugh a bit. - I've missed your voice

- Well you know where to find me.

- Oh trust me i would've been there already if i could go out. But i have to clean the whole house today, beacause Elenor will have visitors tomorrow.

- I could help - i said without thinking.

- You sure?

- Yeah

- Okay i'll send you the address.

- Okay i'll be there.

- I'll be waiting - she said with a bit of airy tone which sent shivers through my body. I ended the call then after a minute i got the message with the adress. I got ready, then walked out of my room.

- Where are you goin? - mom asked.

- Oh uhm i just go meet up with Podcast. He needs help with his you know podcast.

- Okay have fun

- Thanks - i said and after a few minutes i was on my to the adress. I walked up to the door then knocked then took a step back. After 2 minutes the door opened.

- Hey - Melody said with a smile on her face.

- Hey - i smiled back then she let me in. I looked around but suddenly i felt two hands on my waist then i got gently pushed to the wall next to me. Before i could say anything i felt Melodys lips on mine. I kissed her back and put one hand on the back of her head. The kiss was slow and passionate and when we pulled away for air we put our foreheads together.

- I've missed you.

- I can see that - i chuckled a little. - I've missed you too - i said then i moved my head back a bit so i can look into her eyes. It still feels so unreal that she is here, i feel like its just another dream and i'm gonna wake up suddenly.

- You okay? - she asked beacuse she probably seen the sadnes/worrie that started to appear on my face.

- Yeah yeah i just..

- What's up?

- I'm just scared that this all is just another dream and i'm just gonna wake up suddenly. And you wouldn't be here anymore - i said while i looked down.

- Hey look at me - she said then she gently lifted my chin up to look at her.
- I know this seems so unreal it is to me too, but i can assure you this isn't a dream. - she said then i felt a pinch at my side which made me twitch a little.

- Ouch - i hissed then looked at her

- You see? - she said with a cute laugh. I playfully pushed her and smiled. - You won't be able to get rid of me that easily i hope you know that.

- Well i wasn't planning on that.

- Now let's get started, we have a lot to do - she said then she gave me some stuff and we started cleaning. The house was bigge then i thought and it was full of small porcelain figures and statues.

- Where is Elenor by the way?

- She went to shopping. She said her grandchildrens are also comming so wanted to get some toys and sweets.

- She seems nice

- She is, i mean not everyone would let a complete stranger live with them.

- True

- But i still have to figure it out what to do with the fact that i'm technicaly dead so i don't have any papers.

- I have someone who could help.

- Really? Did you have a friend who makes fake id cards and papers?

- Kind of. He works for the goverment in a way so he might help.

- Cool

- I just have to figure out a plan how to tell him.

- Well you're the genius i leave that part to you.

- Thanks - i huffed then i started dusting off the bookshelf. After 2 hours we were done with most of the room except 2.

- Alright we're gonna take a break now, let's go to my room - she said.

- Finally - i sigheted then followed her upstairs. We walked into a room with vinyl records on a wall and some posters. - Is this all yours?

- No it was her grand daughters room when she was younger. She just left everything how she left it. - she said.

- Looks like she loved music.

- Yeah she talks about her a lot. - as i was looking around my eyes got caught on a guitar on the wall. I walked up to it and moved my fingers over the strings. Melody walked behind me and rested her head on my shoulder.

- Can you play on it?

- Yeah i can. Music was always a passion of mine, i used to sing a lot actually.

- Really?

- Yeah. Is that so hard to imagine?

- No - i answered then she put her arms around my waist. - I bet you have a beautiful voice.

- You wanna hear me sing now don't you?

- Yeah

- I don't know - she said then let go of me, and i heard her walk a few steps. I turned around and looked at her, she leaned on a desk looking back at me.

- Oh please you can't say something like this and then leave me hanging - i said as i've walked up to her.

- Alright - she said then she walked back to the guitar then slowly lifted off the stand. - But i won't promise anything i didn't sing since i died. - she said as she sat down on the bed. I sat down next to her and looked at how beautiful she looks.

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