Chapter 4

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1 week later

I was in Ray's shop helping to sort some stuff out. When i heard the door open.

- Hey Phoebe are you hungry? - Podcast asked.

- Not really.

- Me and Ray are gonna get some lunch. Can you watch the store while we are out?

- Uhm, yeah sure.

- Thanks we will be quick - he said i just nodded, then walked out. I stood behind the counter, and after no one came in i decided to read a little. Usally the store isn't too busy, so i just had to hit the time with something. And i found a book about soul shifting, maybe this can give me answers i was looking for with the whole Melody situation. So it could be her soul shifted into another body. That's why she only remembers Mel as her name. While i was reading, and was busy with my thoughts i heard the door bell ringing, but when i looked up no one was there. I looked around, then heard a book fell. Oh great the store is haunted, what a suprise.

- Hello? I know you're in here, and i'm not scared. - i walked out from behind the counter, then went to look around. I heard another book fell, so i started walking towards where the sound came. That bookshelf was infront of another one, so there was a small space between them. I slowly walked up to that then turned in.

- Boo - someone said while they grabbed my shoulder. I jumped a little then turned around. It was her, she stood there with a proud smile on her face.

- Seriously?

- You should see your face right now. - she chuckled then let go off my shoulder.

- How are you here?

- I was walking outside and seen you sitting here. So i thought i say hi, but then this idea came up.

- Great idea really - i said sarcasticaly then i quickly ran my eyes over her. Her hair was in a ponytail, and she had a simple white tee on with jeans and a converse on. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine.

- Hi - she said with a softer tone which just made my heart beat faster. Oh god its happening again.

- Hi..

- So what are you doing here?

- I'm watching the store while the owner is out.

- So you work here?

- Not exactly the owner is a friend of mine. Well technicaly he was the friend of my late grandfather.

- Oh

- It's fine it happened a long time ago. - i said then looked at her. She was looking at me like she wants to ask something.
- You okay?

- Yeah yeah, i was just um thinking.  Would you like to hang out with me sometime? - she asked quetly. Oh my god she really asked what i heard she asked?

- Oh y...yeah sure - i stuttered and i felt my face warming up. So i turned away a bit.

- Are you blushing?

- No.. - i answered without any confidence in my voice. I noticed Mel move from the back of my eyes, then i felt fingers on my chin. She slowly turned back so i was facing her again. This move just nearly made me faint, but i was trying to act as cool as possible.

- You are totaly blushing - she smiled, i pulled away and took a step back.

- So uhm.. when you want to hang out exactly? - i asked and i took a step back.

- Tomorrow around 3 in the park sounds good?

- Yeah sure, totaly

- Cool. I'm gonna go now cause i think you don't want your friend to see me. - she said, but when i wanted to say something, i heard the door bell ringing.

- Phoebe we're back! - i heard Ray's voice.

- I'll be there in a minute!

- See you tomorrow then?

- Mhm - she walked away next to me, then i heard the bell ringing again. I took a deep breath, then walked out of the corridor.

- Did someone just left the store?

- What? Oh yeah they haven't found anything.

- Bummer there are a lot of cool stuff here - Podcast said then picked up a shrinked rat head. - Like this - i looked st him and shook my head a bit. Then i felt Rays staring at me.

- You okay kid? You seem a bit red

- Oh i'm good just was a bit warm there - i answered. - I'm gonna go back to the back and continue sorting - i said then ran to the back. I closed the door behind me and then leaned on it. What the hell just happened? Did she just asked me out for a date and i said yes? My brain just stopped working when i saw her smiling, and the way she held my chin. Ugh i have to get my stuff together. I shook my head then i went back to sorting. Hoping this will distract me, but it just wasn't working. Especially cause i've finished just an hour later. As i was walking out of the store i felt my phone buzzing. I reached into my pocket amd looked at the screen. It was a message from Lucky saying they need me in the lab. I answered "I'll be there in 20 minutes" then put my phone back to my pocket. After 20 minutes i arrived to the lab. I walked and searched for Lucky or Larson.

- Phoebe so glad you're here. - Lucky ran up to me.

- What's up?

- So while we were examing the book something weird happened. Like the book just came to life. And started speaking in a old language - she said.
- Then Lars just fainted

- Is he okay?

- Yeah he is with the medicals. But he barely remembers of what happened. He only remembers the book talking to him.

- But how? There was no ghost coming out when you tried to extract it right?

- Yeah but is shows a weird aura around it.

- Aura?

- Yeah like its somethimg in it just can't be extracted.

- Anyone tried to talk with the lady who found it?

- Ray wanted to call her but the line was silent

- I think we should go ask her then, i call Ray maybe he had the adress. Then we should go there tomorrow

- Okay - i reached into my pocket then called Ray.

- Hello?

- Hey Ray its Phoebe do you have the adress of the lady who brought a weird book into the store?

- Yeah maybe, i remember she had a bracelet which said Sterling street 5.

- Okay, thanks.

- Why did you ask?

- I'll tell you later. Sorry i have to go now bye - i ended the call then i wrote down the adress. - Okay i got it - i said.

- Alright we meet here at 10 o'clock.

- Okay.


Hey peeps hope you enjoyed the new chapter. You can let me know your thoughts in the comments. I'll be back soon with the next chapter. Until then have a nice and don't forget to show some love to yourself today because you deserve it. Take care everyone.

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