Chapter 15

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Soo i was able to finish this chapter. Hope you will enjoy it. I did this type of thing very long time ago so sorry if its kinda bad.


I leaned in as well and kissed her. Then we slowly started to take steps towards my bed. I pulled away and layed down and Melody sat on my hip. I placed my hand on her waist and looked up at her. She leaned down and placed one hand on my chest. - You are beautiful - she said it while looking in to my eyes deeply. This sentence made me smile.

- I love you - i said, she smiled then kissed me.

- You have no idea, how crazy these 3 words makes me.. - she whispered to my lips when she pulled away.

- Show me then.. - i whispered back and smiled.

- I want you so bad Phoebe..

- You're talking too much - i said. She just  kissed me, and she moved on my hip which made me let out a small moan. She move her hand under my shirt, and she slowly started to move the said hand towards my bra. I started to feel nervous again, and i grabbed her waist a bit harder. Which she noticed almost instantly.

- Are you okay? - she asked and looked at me.

- Yeah yeah i'm just..

- You want me to stop?

- No no, i'm just nervous, and i'm afraid i'm gonna mess it up.

- You won't, there won't be anything that you could mess up.

- Are you sure?

- I promise - she said, so i nodded. Just tell me if you want to stop, i want you to enjoy this so if you don't just tell me. Okay?

- Okay - she sat me up and i looked at her. She grabbed the end of my t-shirt, and slowly pulled it up. I lifted my hands to help her and, then she just threw my shirt away. When i felt the cold breeze on my warm skin, it made me shiver. She then gently grabbed onto my bra, she looked at me for consent, so i just nodded. She pulled it off and threw it next to my shirt. I turned my head away a bit, because i felt embarrased. I was completely naked on my upper body. Noticed her moving from the back of my eye, and when i looked back she wasn't wearing anything on her upper body. - I felt bad for only you having no clothes on - she said with a smile. - I hope you know you look gorgeous.

- too - i said it with a nervous tone. She kissed me gently and then pushed me back on the bed. The kiss became hungry from both sides. As our skin touched i felt my body warming up even more. She gently grabbed my breats which made me moan into the kiss. She started massaging and i felt like im gonna go crazy. She started going from my lips to my neck. She placed gently kisses on my neck and shoulder. And then she started going lower, she removed one hand from the current position then she started sucking on my nipple. At this point i swear i could see stars. My eyes were closed and i had to bit on my lower lip to silence myself. I moved one hand through Melody's hair and grabbed onto her hair gently. It felt like my body just acting on its own now. She suddenly bit on my nipple gently, which made my let out a small whine. But i had to put my hand on my mouth, cause i don't want the others to hear me. I noticed Melody giggle, then she started going lower on my upper body. I still had my shorts and boxers on. So she stopped on my stomach and placed one had on my crotch area. I looked down at her and she was looking back at me. She gently started rubbing the area with two fingers. I grabbed one my sheet a bit harder. She climbed back up to me, and with her free hand she removed the hand i was covering my mouth. While she continued to rub her finger against my clit through my clothes. She pressed her fingers on harder, which made me moan, but i tried to hold it back. She smilled then kissed me, in the same time her hand slipped under my remaining clothes. When her fingers touched my clit i accidentaly bit on her lip. She hissed a little so i pulled away. - Im sorry

- Its okay it was kinda hot - she said. - So you like to bite? - she looked at me and i could see the lust in her eyes.

- I uhm..may..ah - i wanted to answer but her fingers started circling on my clit. Oh god i hope no heard this. But i had no time to think about it further cause Melody started to speed up. I was grabbing onto my sheets for dear life. I tried to hold back my moans, but at this point i just didn't wanted to. I wanted her to know what she does to me, to hear how amazing it feels. She was kissing on my neck again while she was still circling on my clit still. She started to go down on me again, and pulled out the hand she was teasing me with. She grabbed onto the remaining clothes of mine, and started to pull them down. When she got them off, she just throw them next to my other clothes. Now i was fully naked. She started kissing on my stomach again. I knew what she is planning and i wanted it. I was so turned on, i just wanted her so bad. I opened my legs so she can lay between them.

- Looks like someones eager.

- Oh shut up - i said teasingly and rolled my eyes. She climbed back up to me and looked into my eyes.

- Are you ready? - she asked and i just nodded. She kissed me then pulled back and went down on me once again. I felt my heart speeding up as she got closer and closer to my pussy. And when i felt her warm breath on it i just lost it. She slowly licked over my clit and my body just reacted instantly. I had to bite on my hand to silence, that high pitched sound that wanted to come out.

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