Chapter 8

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Ron and Harry were deep in conversation about Quidditch. The first match of the season was a month away but Oliver was already pushing them harder at practice.

"Blimey Hermione we thought you'd never get your nose out of the library." Exclaimed the ginger boy as he took another bite of his food.

"I wasn't in the library Ron I was in my room." Her face turned a light shade of pink because if it wasn't for Melanie's arrival Hermione would definitely have made her way back to the library.

" This is Melanie, she will be starting classes with us next week. So I thought she could join us for dinner."

"Yeah of course" said the other boy who Melanie assumed was Harry. He had black hair, glasses and a scar on his forehead. He gestured to the spot next to him while Hermione sat down next to Ron.

The four of them ate their food as Ron was explaining to Melanie who Sirius Black was and why the dementors were roaming the grounds. Melanie has seen her fair share of demons but when she saw one of those hooded figures through a window earlier that day she couldn't help but feel cold. Soon after Hermione had to go, she wanted to find a couple more books before curfew. Melanie was left with the two boys. Who changed the subject back to quidditch. Ron and Harry seemed to enjoy explaining everything to her and it was nice that they didn't question the fact she had no knowledge about this topic although from what she was hearing Quidditch was extremely popular in the wizarding world.

"Yeah the Gryffindor team is pretty good, you've got the chasers Alicia, Katie and Angelina. The keeper and captain Oliver. Harry is the seeker and my two brothers Fred and George are the beaters." Ron explained. "Here they come now." The three of them turned their heads to see two redheads walk through the doors with big smiles on their faces. Even though she was older she had to lean a bit to peek over Harry's shoulder. Melanie instantly recognised Fred on the left- wait or is he on the right? She was stunned to see that Fred and George are identical. She was definitely not expecting that.

"They're twins?" She looked over at Ron.

"Yeah but don't worry even mum can't tell them apart sometimes." Ron shrugged as he stabbed his dessert with his fork.

One of the twins sat next to Harry and the other next to Ron. Not even glancing at the three. They were still happily laughing about something to each other. Melanie realised straight away that the one sitting next to Ron was Fred. He still had some ink stains on his hands.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione you will never believe what we just did!" Exclaimed the one who she assumed to be George.

"Before you say anything Hermio-" Fred stopped as he locked eyes with Melanie.

She smiled lightly as she said "Hello Fred."

"How'd you know I'm Fred?" He responded clearly startled by the fact Melanie was sitting in front of him in a Gryffindor sweater. As well as the fact that no one ever could tell him and George apart on the first try.

At that point George leaned back to see Melanie a bit better, he was just as startled as his twin but nonetheless tried to pick up their usual joke of who's who. "Yeah!" He exclaimed "I'm Fred!"

Melanie's smile started to widen as she too tilted her body back a bit to not interrupt Harry who was watching this whole exchange over his plate. "I haven't met you officially George."She said as she gave Ron a quick glance. "But I'm certain that Fred is sitting in front of me."

"Well I must say I'm impressed." He extended his arm out to her and introduced himself. "George."

"Melanie." She smiled back. The rest of the dinner Fred and George were trying to figure out how Melanie could tell them apart so quickly. She wasn't going to say anything but she had to figure out something more permanent. After all she couldn't expect Fred Weasley to be covered in ink every day.

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