Tʜᴇ Cᴀsʜɪᴇʀ

776 17 3

"GENYA!!!" Nemi called me. His voice sharp and deep, and it made me flinch from playing on my playstation.

I dropped the controller and swung open the door, noticing Nemi on the couch watching the news. Maybe something was wrong that was happening the world. "Yes, Nemi?"

"Go to the store nearby us." He replied, switching the channels. I guess he was the type of person who watches the news and explores the channels.

"Where is that?"

"It's probably around the corner." Nemi replied. "Go now, it's getting late."

"Sure." I nodded. I walked to the door and slid my feet into my slippers and put my black jacket on. "Ima be back." I saw him nod.

Once I arrived, I opened the door and heard a bell ring. The scent smelt like strawberries, and it was amazing. Yeah, I know what they smell like. My eyes roamed around and I saw watermelons in a freezer, so I grabbed it. I got a notification, and Nemi asked for some salad and sushi. This was kind of a japanese store, so I guess there could be sushi here.

I placed my things on the counter and saw a small boy with long black and turquoise hair, a white and light blue apron that fits the theme, and a white bucket hat.

"Good choice...?" He sighed, scanning the items and placing it in the bag. "Why come so late?"

"It's only 10:00."

"Still late." He tried to fool me. How stupid.

"Why's your store open so late?" I asked, trying to fool him as well. A smirk formed on my face.

"It's my store, mister." He groaned. "Don't make me kick you out, you don't seem friendly."

"I already got my things." I said with annoyance, starting to sweat with his behavior.

He rolled his eyes and checked the little screen on the side of the counter. "10 dollars."

I got out my wallet and took out 10 dollars. I slammed it on the counter. "Take that."

"Aw, that hurts my feelingssss!!" He pretended to cry with sarcasm, laying his head on the counter while his arms surrounded it. "Ima bouta cry now! Wa wa!"

I groaned. "Don't make me climb over the counter and beat you up."

He got out his phone. "911." He said each number with hesitation, and with a smirk.

"Really....?!" I asked with anger, but shock. I bawled my fist.

"Uh-huh." He nodded slowly, sliding the bag down the counter to me. "Go home now."

I nodded, took a deep breath, and took the bag from the counter.


"Back." I gave Nemi the bag of Salad and Sushi.

"Alright." He nodded, taking the items out.

I walked back to my room and my TV automatically shut off on it's own, so I decided to go to bed.

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