ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ, ꜰᴏʀɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ

236 4 25

⚠️Harm/abuse, y'know what those fathers do when they're drunk. Profanity, maybe some content that you might not wanna read. Fear of being alone, etc. blindfolding
I forgot all about this so I might be confused on what to write lmao. Chaps might me a lil rushed lmao haha

"I didn't raise a gay fuckin' son." Father smashed his alcohol bottle to the ground in anger.

"I know," I mumbled, starting to tremble. I always get scared of my father, he's dangerous. I wish Yui was here to protect me, but he went out with his friends, trying to get back to me for kissing someone without his permission. I'm 18, I could decide what I want to do? Yuichiro's just overprotective.

"So you thought you could kiss someone and won't get caught?!" Father shouted in my face. Tears started swelling up my eyes slowly, before it dripped down. My face remained guilty and my eyes started burning.

"I knew I would.." I muttered, my head lowering before he grabbed onto my hair and pulled it back.

"Then what the hell was that, huh?!" Father's grip on my hair tightened, making me squirm. "Muichiro Tokito, fucking answer me!!"

I started to cry, "I'm sorry, father!"

"No the fuck you're not!" Father kicked me in the stomach, making me gasp and fall back, on my back. I was sitting the whole time and looked at him with my scared blue eyes.

"Don't cry," Father groaned, walking around me like I'm a prey, "You're the one to blame, son." He then raised his voice, "YOU'RE THE ONE TO BLAME! Get in the fuckin' basement." He dragged me to the basement, making me kick my feet.

"Stop!" I shouted, sitting on the first stair down to the basement.

"Be lucky I brought you fuckin' snacks!" Father threw the snacks in my face.

"Ow.." I sighed. "Please, father... don't leave me in h—"

He slammed the door in my face, getting left in darkness and quiet. I was always scared of the darkness, it was pitch black, and I couldn't see where I was going down the stairs, so my hands gripped tightly onto the railing and I was careful with my steps.

By the time I crawled onto the floor, I heard the door open, and there was a stern voice, "Stay still, Muichiro."

I said still, silent, and scared. But my breath was heavy. I heard him drinking the alcohol bottle and throw it against the wall. He grabbed both of my wrists and tied them behind my back. "Oh god, please don't do th—"

"Remain silent!" Father shouted, giving me a quick hit on the wrist.

He tied my hands up and he grabbed my hair, tying it up into a ponytail.

"F-father.." I mumbled, forcing myself not to cry. "I'm sorry, it was a mistake.."

After hesitating, he said, "I don't fucking care, son."

I bit my lip back in frustration.

And after awhile, I felt something cover my eyes, making me see pitch darkness. I figured out it was a blindfold, after he told me that he will be covering my eyes.

"I'm sorry," My voice breaking into a cry. "I didn't mean to kiss someone at the party, it was a... mistake.."

"Mistake?" Father asked. "Your brother... told me that you were making out for hours."

"He was never there.." I cried silently. "He doesn't know anything. I promise, father.." I sniffed, my hands bawling into fists. My lips pushed together, trying to hold back my tears.

"Stop crying," He whisper-yelled, his fingernails scratching the top of my wrist, trying to basically hurt me, "There's nothing to cry about, I'm going to tape your mouth."

"No." I shook my head swiftly. "You shouldn't tape my mouth, I could explain!"

"Explain what?" He asked, I heard him sit down in front of me.

"E-everything.." My voice was about to break.

"Who the fuck was that person you kissed?" He asked, his voice going back to a stern one.

"My friend.

"Oh so its a thing now?!" He shouted. "Kissing friends, having sex with your own friends before having a relationship?! I didn't raise a son like this!"

"I didn't have that.." I looked disgusted under my blindfold. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Just making sure my son isn't THAT gay." Father grumbled under his breath.

"I'm... not gay," I said, confused. "I'm not gay, I promise."

"Keep promising things and I'm going to end your life." Father said sternly, I felt his breath on my face.


"Muichiro?" I heard Yuichiro's voice. It made my heart beat fast and I quickly turned toward the direction I heard his voice from.

"Nii-san?" I gasped, feeling his hand take off my blindfold. He also untied the ropes around my wrist and he hugged me. I hugged him back. "What are you doing here, please take me out of here.."

"It's okay, Muichiro.." Yuichiro hugged me tightly, crying as well. "Father is cruel, I know.."

"Please take me out of here.." I cried, Yuichiro helping me up and helping me walk up the stairs.


We both saw Father at the kitchen, preparing the handcuffs. Yui and I both ran upstairs.

"Come on." Yui whisper-yelled, running into his room and gently closing it, locking it right after. "What happened down there, tell me right now!"

"He put a blindfold on me and tied my hands up."

"Right." Yuichiro nodded "but what I'm asking for is what he said to you. What did he say?"

"He said "remain silent!" And "I don't care!""

"Oh gosh.." Yuichiro facepalmed. "Why can't you call the police? Where the heck Is your phone, he can't treat you like shit like this, its nonsense, you're his son!"

"He took it away from me!" I shouted. "If I had my phone, I would've been calling the police.!"

"Oh.." Yuichiro sighed. "Take my phone." He gave me his phone and I immediately went to the call app, tapping the 9, 1, 1.


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