ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ.

298 6 36

A little bit of smut, and angst⚠️

From a text, apparently, the manager was sick so he was absent. I don't know how long he'd be absent for, but I hope he'll be alright.

It was past 6:00, and I decided to stay a little more longer, because I did.

Genya and I were at the back, in the office. I just felt like I needed to talk to him alone instead of being at fathers house being bothered by Yuichiro and father. Who would want that.

"You know," He began, leaning against the wall while crossing his arms. "I didn't forget that moment where..."

"Don't say it, Gen." I shook my head. "I... didn't mean to say that, alright? It just came out of my mouth!"

"But is it true?"

"N-no." I stammered. "I would never say such a thing like that."

What a lie. I'll even call myself a liar.

He slightly blushed, shaking his head in disbelief. "I never met someone who lied about saying, 'I love you'."

"Well, you did now." I mumbled.

It's too soon, I can't love him like that, but Yui was right, I can't force my heart to stop loving him though.

"Admit it, Muichiro." He said my first name, making my heart beat as fast as ever.

I lowered my head, "ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ."

I heard him gasp.

Oh gosh.

"No, I don't—"

"Do you really mean that?"

I hesitated, "Y-yes," I nodded slowly. "I won't lie to you this time, I was never lying to you."

"I knew it," He said, in a moment of realization. "If you really loved me, you would've never lied to me."

"It's the truth," I mumbled.

"How long have you liked me?"

"Maybe a long time.." I fidgeted with my fingers. "Can't tell specifically.."

"Wow." He sighed. "Well uh, is that all you wanted to tell me?"

"Not all," I shook my head.

"Then what?" He asked, turning back around.

I looked down, and I covered my face.

"Bye, Muichir—"

"Don't leave..!" I grabbed his wrist. "Not... yet."

"Stop being so complicated, Muichiro." He sounded like he was annoyed. Right.

"I'm not trying," I whispered. I grabbed his shirt and I pulled him into the kiss, making him bent down a little. "You seem like its nothing when I say I love you."

His eyes widened in shock, but he froze in place.

My hand shook on his shirt, and I didn't try and avoid his eyes. "Genya, do you love me ba—"

He pulled me into another kiss, pulling me toward him. I guess that was a yes, I'm happy and proud of myself.

"I do love you." He whispered into my ear.

We were both catching a breath, and I could hear his loud heartbeats.


We were both making out for hours, and I glanced at the clock.

"Genya, it's 12:00.." I sighed, hearing how miserable my voice sounds.

"How the fuck did the time go that fast.?"

"I don't know, Gen, I have to go." Oh gosh, my brother would kill me.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked, putting on his jacket while smiling at me.

I turned away and I took a deep breath in and out. "Y-yeah," I slowly nodded.

His eyes were telling me something, but I chose to ignore it. I took off my apron and hung it up on the hook, glancing at Genya one more time.

"See you tomorrow, Muichiro." Genya waved, walking out the store.

I heard the bell ring after he left, and the darkness and the silence was loud. I felt like I was in fear. Whenever I'm alone, I have anxiety and I just feel... weird about it.

I pushed my bike into the bike rack, and I glared at father in the distance. He was drinking beer, and he was staring into space.

"Son!" Father called out with his deep and stern voice, causing shivers down my spine.

I quickly ran up the stairs to the porch and tried to unlock the door with my key.

"Muichiro." Father slowly walked up the stairs, and I heard him smash the alcohol bottle on the floor. "Don't fucking ignore me, I'm your father."

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, still facing the door. My breath was heavy, and I didn't want to make eye contact with him. Father was dangerous, tears were trickling down my cheeks and my hands were shaking onto the door handle.

He grabbed my wrist and threw me onto the ground where the glass was, and I had a cut on my hand.

I was left in shock.

"What the fuck did I say?!" Father stomped on me.

Strange vibes. Mother did the exact same.

"To not ignore you." I mumbled quietly, my hands bawling into my fists and I was still sitting on the ground. I never needed to apologize, I didn't want to, he didn't deserve an apology. Not even a respectful one.

"And what the fuck did you do next?" He stomped on me until I was coughing blood. I was covering my mouth, and I let the blood drip down my mouth.

"Ignore yo—" I coughed, getting on all fours. I threw up some blood, and my vision started to get blurry. I still heard father's yells and screams, and I was sick of it.

"Mother and I did not love you!!" Father's loud voice made me twitch, and it reminded me of a loud lion rawring loudly at its prey, in a bad way.

I slowly got up, but father didn't stop me. "Mother did love me," I whispered angrily. "You are wrong in many ways, father.." That made me cry at this point, from what I've heard from Yui, mother killed herself because she thought I was avoiding her, and ignoring her by staying away from the house.

I'm sorry, mother. You were never like father, not even close.

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