ᴡᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ

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"What the hell is that?" Genya grabbed my wrist, looking at my cuts with worried, but angry eyes.

"Its nothing," I pulled my arm back and I avoided his eyes. "Dont worry about it."

"Who gave you these scars, how did this happen?!"

"My father, okay??" I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, and after he finished checking my wrists, I fell onto his white blush bed and I let out a deep tired sigh. "I think I already told you that my father was an alcoholic and always abusive, right.?"

"Maybe.." He shrugged. "So you just keep this going??"

"I don't want to call the police and stuff.." I fidgeted with my fingers. "I'm fine, alright.?"

"Okay," He got on his phone. "If you call the police, you don't have to be living in this crap, Tokito."

"I said I don't want to!" I covered my face in frustration. I realized I've shouted at him, feeling guilt wash over me. "I'm fine living like this, just leave it alone." The moment he took out his phone, was when I thought he was when I thought he was going to call the police. My heartbeat started racing.

He sighed, "Do you want breakfast?"

"No," I replied quietly. "I'm not hungry."

He checked the time on his phone, "It's 9:00 and you start work soon."

"What do you have for breakfast, then?"

"Waffles and pancakes." Genya got up and walked over to the door. "You want some?"

"Sure.." I gave a small nod.


"Here you go." Genya laid down the plate of blueberry waffles and pancakes on the bed.

"Thanks," I gave a small smile before picking the fork up and eating it. "Are you going to eat.?"

"Nah, I'm not hungry." He shook his head, watching me eat. I felt like that was creepy, but I didn't do anything about it. I felt like he was lying to me, he is hungry. "Eat this." I aimed the blueberry waffle on a fork toward his mouth, hearing grumbles from his stomach.


"Eat it, Gen!" I shoved the waffle into his mouth. "You're hungry, I know it.."

He chuckled, almost choking on the food.

"Even chew and swallow the waffles down." I made sure he didn't starve. I'll even give him all my waffles, I'm not hungry.

"Why are you so worried about me not eating?" He asked.

"Your stomach was grumbling," I replied. "I didn't want you starving."

After his hesitation, he asked me something I didn't really know how to answer. "What are we now?" He asked, his voice low.

"What?" I asked.

"What are we now?"

"What do you mean by that- I—"

"Are we still friends?" He asked again. "Don't act stupid."

I swallowed hard, "What do you think?"

I wanted to say, 'We're boyfriends now', but I didn't want to, I think I'm not ready for it. You might think, 'You guys just made out!' But... that was just once.

"Answer my question." He leaned forward to me, and he gave me this look.

"I don't think its anything further.." I shrugged, avoiding his eyes.

I got a text notification on my phone, and I checked it. "Oh shoot," I got up and opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Genya called out.

I got a text from Alex, telling me to go to the store because there was a problem. What the hell, its not even time to go work.. the manager still isn't here, and Alex can't work alone like that! I still don't trust him with the customers.


I pushed the door open, hearing screams and shouts from the customers. "What the hell is wrong here??—"

I ran behind the counter and I realize they were all angry about how long they have to wait in line. The line was long too.

"Alex, what the fuck..." I whisper-yelled to Alex, while scanning the items.

"My bad..." Alex quietly groaned, scanning the items as I aimed the tag toward it.

"Of course its your bad!" I shouted. "Stop doing these things, gosh!"

After all of that, the customers were gone, but I continued to stress.

"How did this even happen??" I asked, with a hint of worry.

"The line was long and the customers were complaining about why they had to wait so long!" Alex explained.

I facepalmed, "Maybe because you're so slow.."

"Don't blame this on me, Tokito!"

"Sure, sure, whatever.."


"I thought you said you work at 12:00!" Genya ran inside the store, worried for me.

"I-i know." I muttered. "There was a problem, sorry for not telling you."

"What problem??"

"Don't ask—"

"Many customers complaining." Alex explained. "Also, you again?" He pointed at Genya.

Oh gosh. "Don't fight again guys," I sighed. I was tired of their complaining, even my ears are hurting.

"What is this dude doing here?" Alex asked.

I groaned, "He's a customer, relax! You probably asked that twice already!"

Genya's hands raised, "Didn't do anything."

"Exactly, Alex!" I pushed his shoulder. "Stop causing tantrums and get over it!"

"Whatever Tokito says." Alex rolled his eyes and his arms laid on the counter.

"Why do people keep saying that?" I groaned. "Is it because I'm favorited by everyone here?"

"Mhm." Alex replied.

"Stop that, then!" I gave Alex's arm a hit. "Nothing around here makes sense, my gosh.."

"Favoritism, huh?" Genya asked. "That's right, this guy doesn't deserve to be favorited."

"Let's all quit being rude to each other." I was feeling frustrated, and my head leaned on the wall.

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"You're stressing Tokito out, you dumbass." Alex whisper-yelled to me.

I was clearly pissed off. "Then go help him and fuck yourself."

"Fuck myself??" Alex scoffed. "You're the reason why he's all stressed out, how about you go help him?"

"You're the worker here, and you're behind the counter with him." I replied angrily.

"I've heard a lot about you guys." His fist slammed the counter. I saw Muichiro flinch, running to the back. Fuck, I hate this guy Alex, he scares the shit out of Tokito.

"Heard what??" I shouted. I wanted to run behind the counter and beat him the fuck up. "What have you heard between us?"

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