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"I can't believe you.." I shouted at the top of my lungs at Alex, while we were at the back of the store. "You were spying on us? How could you.."

"Tokito I—"

"Save it, Alex!" I shouted. "Why the fuck are we friends, I can't even look at your face! Talking about me and Genya's friendship... who even are you now.." I brushed his hand off my arm, and I took off my apron and hung it up on the hook. "Don't talk to me and don't even saying anything, got it?"

"Uh, yea—"

"I said, shush!" I shouted. "What the hell!"


"Look, I-I wasn't spying on you!" Alex followed me out the door, and I was speed-walking in anger.

"Mhm yeah!" I began stomping. "Keep lying with your little lies, you are a liar."

"Tokito, stop running away from me." Alex groaned. "Tokito?"

"Don't call me Tokito."

"Muichiro, come here!" Alex called out, speed-walking after me down the sidewalks.

"Stop fucking following me!" I shouted. "You're a creep, don't make me call you out!"

"Call me out on what??"

"That you're a creeper," I replied, turning around. "That's weird."

"Oh come on, Muichiro!" Alex facepalmed.

"Do you know how serious that could be?" I shouted. "No one would ever like you."

"Then don't call me out.." He sighed.

Alex spied on us. What if Genya and I were talking about personal things and Alex just hears about it from afar? What are the odds? How creepy could Alex possibly be?

"I'm sorry, Alex, but we can't be friends anymore."

"We are still working at the same store, right, Tokito??"

"Yeah, but don't talk to me." I walked backwards before turning around and walking away.

I am not friends with creeps, or people who spies on people just like that.. I mean, who would.?

I tried not to cry along the way. I left my bike at home, so thats why I had to walk at least 20 minutes to get to fathers house. Oh gosh, he's always outside.


"Yui?" I called over the phone, hearing laughter. "Yui uhm—"

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can you lock the windows.?" I asked, glancing around to see if father was around drinking his alcohol. "Please.?"

"Why??" He asked.

"Just do itttttt!!" I groaned, shoving the key into the lock. "Is father inside the house.?"

"He's making dinner while not sober." Yuichiro replied. "I didn't want him to poison me. Never knew you were coming at this time.."

"It's 6:00, you dumbass." I walked inside, smelling something good. Father used to burn the food and it doesn't smell burnt. Don't ask me how I could smell burnt food..

"Muichiro." Father caught me, using his deep voice.

I sighed, slowly walking into the kitchen. "Yeah?"

"Come try this." Father gave me a piece of chicken on a fork. It looked good.

I took the fork and put it in my mouth. It tastes good. "Thank you, father." I rolled my eyes and gave him back the fork.

"Why in a rush?" He asked, his breath smelling like alcohol.

"I'm just tired, okay??" I rubbed my eyes. "I had a long day working, and there was a big problem at the store today!!"

"So??" He chuckled, but looked dizzy. "At least say hi to your fathe..." He fell to the ground and dropped the fork.

I groaned and I ran up the stairs, watching Yui close the windows in his room.

"And why did you want me to do this?!" He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"The worker at my store spied on me and Genya." I replied with annoyance, but with a hint of worry.

"Ugh, dramatic." He rolled his eyes.

"You never believe me, its terrible.." I laid on his bed. "His name is Alex, I think I've explained this to you before."

"And why would he stalk you?"

"That's what I was trying to ask this whole time.." I took a deep breath in and out of exhaustion.

"I feel like you're being dramatic." He said. "When do you go to your therapy."

"This isn't about tha—"

"Tell me when." He said.

"Maybe tomorrow..." I replied quietly. "Its in every two weeks and I feel like I've been fine."

"You're seeing things." He said. "Definitely."

"Nuh-uh." I shook my head.

"You could stay here for the night, but stop complaining about that." Yuichiro turned off the light, and went to sleep right next to me.

The windows were closed, and it was pitch black. Whenever its dark, I feel so uneasy. Its not that I was alone, but when I was little, I was always alone in my room, and I used to just zone out in space until the sun set.

I let out a sigh and rested my eyes, tucking myself into the blanket.


"So you think you have a stalker?" Dr. Maki, the therapist, wrote stuff down on her paper.

"Yes." I replied. "I think someone was spying on me and my friend while we were at the park."

I know I was making such a big deal about it, but if I never made a scene, Alex probably would've kept going, thinking I wasn't paying attention.

"Whats his name?" She asked in curiosity. "Do you know his name?"

"His name is Alex," I replied. "He is a worker at my store."

"How did you know he was spying on you?"

"Alex somehow knew what me and my friend were doing!" I shouted, anger rising in me. I felt like screaming at her. "I don't even know how, okay..?"

"Mhm." She nodded, writing stuff down, and giving me a reassuring look. "Have you ever tried talking to him about that?"

"Yeah!" I replied. "He denied it, he fucking denied it!"

"Alright, alright." She nodded. "What about your friend?"

"I will." I said. "I assure you, I will talk to him about it."


"What?" Genya was left in shock.

I sat in his car and my head was lowered. "Am I being too much on this?"

"Well uhm.." He shrugged. "Do you have proof?"

"What were you guys talking about earlier?" I asked. "How Alex knows stuff about us, right? How he knows we were at the park?"

"He was probably just passing by.." Genya rolled his eyes. "Doesn't mean he was spying on us."

"The conversation you and Alex were having!" I groaned. "Tell me... what does he know?"

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