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I was sitting on my bed and the window was open, blowing air inside my room. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and decided to facetime Yui to see if he was okay with father. He could be weird sometimes.

"Yui?" I whispered to the phone, noticing he's walking outside with his turquoise helmet on.

"What are you calling me for?" He asked.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay." I replied with genuine worry. "Y'know... father could be... weird sometimes, Yui..."

"Stop, he's going to hear you." He said angrily, finally looking down on the phone instead of his bike.

The memories make me go crazy. Yui and I used to ride our bikes together outside, and I always used to fall down on the ground. He used to giggle because I was hurt, but I didn't understand. We were both playful, we were both happy together, until we got separated. Mother is an alcoholic, and father is kinda... an alcoholic. People hate him for his personality.

A sudden smile formed on my face, and I forgot Yui was looking at me.

"Stop smiling, this isn't funny!" He shouted through the phone. "Not fair that just because Mother is a drunkie, she doesn't bother you! On the other hand, father keeps standing outside by the car smoking some weed!"

"What happened next...?" My head lowered, my tone quiet. "I'm worried for you, Yui."

"I don't even know anymore." He sniffed, riding his bike while the phone is shaking. "Hows your job?"

"Well, not fine..." I replied quietly. "Some customer called me slow and tired all the time."

"Because you are."

"No!" I shouted. I sighed and my head lowered. "I miss when you work there with me."

"All about our parents, Muichiro.." He shook his head in disappointment. "They got separated, and they don't want us seeing each other ever again."

"How far are you?" I asked.

"Maybe 30 minutes away from you.." He replied. "I can't bike for that long."

"I'll bike there." I said, a smile forming on my face thinking if biking to Yui's house could work.


"Just don't let father or mother know about it." I said quietly.

His lips parted. "Father is watching me... Muichiro, please don't come."

I ended the facetime, taking a deep breath in and out. I felt so relieved. My head lowered and I slammed my phone on the bed, getting up and opening my room door. I would do anything to see Yui again.

I walked down the stairs, noticing mother sitting on the couch with her mouth open. I was so disgusted, I imagined her breath smelling like pizza and alcohol. Pfft.


Finally, 30 minutes later, I arrived at Yui's house and I looked around, not seeing Yui bike anymore. Maybe he was tired, I should've stayed on the facetime with him in case something happens.

I don't know how long he has been biking for, but I know he bikes for at least 1-2 hours a day. It's very easy, and it could get addicting.

I knocked on the door and Yui answered, looking at me with an angry but surprised look.

"What the fuck, Muichiro??"

"You... think... I joke around when it comes to you?" I asked quietly, with hesitation. "You know how father could be."

"Get out." He whisper-yelled.

"Who's this?" Father's hand hit the door open. "Oh... your younger brother, huh.."

I saw Yui flinch, and he looked genuinely worried. He stood still.

"Who told you to be here, huh?" He asked, drinking an alcohol bottle again.

What are the odds?

"For my brother Yui." I replied confidently.

"Why is that?"

I groaned, "Let me see my goddamn brother, you alcoholic!!" I slapped father across the face and pushed Yui into the house.

"Wheres your room?" I grabbed Yui's wrist and quickly ran up the stairs, remembering that his room is up there.

"Why did you do that??" He asked. "You know he could beat you up!"

"Doesn't matter!!" I exhaled sharply, closing the door. "I don't want you to be near father anymore, he's dangerous!"

He's an alcoholic, and many more things you don't want to know.

"Well, no..." He whispered.

Fuck that.

Nobody agrees with me, nobody believes in what I say. "Right." I nodded, fidgeting with my fingers. "You're right, Yui."

I lowered my head and I was only focusing on my hands. Even my brother doesn't agree with me, even how much I say 'I swear!' And 'Just believe me!!' It doesn't make a change.

"He doesn't really... bother me that much." He said quietly. "I stay in my room and he doesn't give a shit, just drink alcohol and don't take care of me."

"Right.." My lips parted. "Well, do you need me to stay?"

"No... not really." He shook his head slowly. "Bye, Muichiro."


I took a quick look at the exterior of the house. Built nice, good-looking, but so many alcohol bottles on the balcony and the porch. It's so fucked up, Yui doesn't deserve to be in this shitty and crappy place.

Tears trickled down on my cheeks, and my grip on my bikes handlebars were so tight, I would've broke it in half. I hopped on, and my mind went crazy on whether or not I would see Yui again. If something happens to him, It's over. We both experienced a lot. We barely talk. We barely interact. We barely text each other anymore, but just to vent about our feelings.

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