"ᴄᴀɴ ɪ ᴋɪss ʏᴏᴜ?"

305 6 2

Couple months later

I had to visit my mothers grave for 30 days in a row. Even though she doesn't deserve it, she died a bad death. O-oh yeah, of course.. death is not amazing.


It was my birthday today. It was August 8th, and it was almost the end of Summer. I realized it was a good day to sit on the grass at a park, while the sun is gleaming down.

I didn't want to feel lonely, so I brought Genya with me, and Yuichiro is hanging out with his friends at his own house. He's 19 years old and he could make his own decisions now. But he still lives with father, he's saving up to buy his own house.

I was laying down while one leg was up. I was scrolling on tiktok, and the sun was in my eye, it was too bright.

"Are you going to fall asleep?" Genya looked down on me, chuckling.

"No." I replied quietly with annoyance. "The sun is too bright, is it too bright for you?"

"Of course, yeah." He nodded. "Also, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"No." I replied. "I asked my manager if I could skip a few days and he said yes."

"Isn't there only Alex working?"

"For the past few months, the manager trained him more." I explained. "He isn't that much of a bad guy, he's one of the customers favorites too."

Genya groaned, "That guy.."

"You mentioned him." A small smirk formed on my face. "You still hate him, don't you? You still hold grudges?"

"Kinda..." He shrugged. "He fuckin punched me, theres no way I could forgive him. I got 4 nosebleeds and I threw up right after."

"Fair enough." I chuckled, turning off my phone. "He's still not fired."

"What other bad things did he do?" He asked.

"Argue with the customers." I replied. "Fooling around with the customers. The manager doesn't accept that, so it is kind of bad working like that at my store."

"Oh." He scoffed. "So its always serious all the time?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "How stupid."



A few hours later, the ice cream truck past by and Genya and I both ran to it. I figured out Genya likes mint, and I like strawberry so we both got it.

It was only 50 cents, it doesn't have to go any higher if its ice cream. How good is that? We all know ice cream is delicious.

"Can I try your ice cream?" I asked, leaning forward on his ice cream.

We were both sitting on a brown wooden bench across from the park fence.

"Sure, go for it.." Genya seemed apathetic.

I leaned in and licked his mint ice cream, smiling right after because of its deliciousness.

"Is it good?"

"Uh-huh.." I giggled, licking my strawberry ice cream. "So good, Gen.."

"Did you just give me a nickname?" He asked, giving me a surprised look.

"W-why not.?" I shrugged, brushing it off.

"Well, we known each other enough to give each other nicknames.." He gave me a smile. "So, I'll accept it."

"We known each other for months now, Gen." I said. "And also, I called you that because I forgot your real name. Heh.."

"It's Genya." He replied. "And in case you forgot my last name, its Shinazugawa."

"You're funny." My head leaned on his shoulder. "I only forgot your first name, dummy..."

"It was just in case..." He whispered to me.

"Gen?" I looked at him.

"What." He turned his attention to me.

I hesitated to answer, and I just looked at him awkwardly.

"Are you just going to stare at m—"

"No!" I covered my face. "What the actual heck was I doing..."

"Stop," He said. "What were you going to tell me?"

I took a deep breath in and out, and my heart was racing.

"Can I uhm..." I swallowed hard and my eyes avoided his. "Kiss you.."

I saw him blush, and he gave me a small nod.

"Its too soon." He said.

I held both of his hands, and I took a deep breath in and out. "We known each other for months.." I whispered. "Don't deny it, please."

"What were you trying to say?" He asked.

"What... do you mean?"

"What were you trying to say to me?"

I knew what he was trying to ask, yes, I like him, I liked him ever since I saw him. "I like you," I leaned in closer to the point where I could hear his heartbeat and feel his breath. "I like you, Gen... and I'll keep saying it until you kiss me."

"Say it again."

"I like you." I mumbled, lowering my head and fidgeting with my hands. "I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I—"

"You do." He looked into my eyes and I finally did also.

I leaned closer and my lips met his, into a slow kiss, and it felt good.

"I... also have something to say.." I pulled away, and I looked down.

"What?" He waited for a response.

I wanted to say I love him, I really did, but he was right, it was too soon. I only knew him for months, and that was it. I'm scared, my heart was beating, and sweat dripped down my forehead. I was nervous, but it just came out of my mouth, "I love you!"

He looked at me in shock, and he let go of my hands. I forcefully pulled them back into my hands.

"I... just forget that." I was being complicated, I didn't know what to say next, just look into his eyes in uncomfortability.

My hands slowly pulled away and they fidgeted. I even started shaking.

I got up from the bench and I walked away, hearing Genya call out my name and follow me.

"Muichiro!" He shouted my first name, and he caught up with me. "Its okay to have feelings like that!"

"I know.." I crossed my arms and I continued to walk.

I felt misunderstood, but I was the one who misunderstood myself.

"I have to go anyway, Gen." I walked backward and I waved to him.

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