ɴᴏ ꜰʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ (18+)

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Before you read, there is intense kissing scenes but not full on sex. If you are a minor, please leave. Readers 18 or older could read this chapter. Lets continue 🫶🏻
Certain stuff from Ginny and Georgia


"Yeahhhhhhhh!!" Alex cheered, running into my fathers house when I opened the door.

I noticed a lot of people came in, which I think is Alex's friends. I don't think this was a good dare, I'm not a partygoer.

"Alex wait-" I bumped into people and I ran down the hall. "Alex?"

"What?" He turned around. "Your house is so big!! Yeah!"

"Stop singing!" I shouted. "Why the hell did you give me this dare.? You know I can't throw a party.!"

"Who wouldn't like a party??" Alex asked vigorously. "Thank me later, Tokito." He left, and I was angry.

Shit, my father will beat me if he finds out I threw a rager at his house. He just cleaned it today and now its going to get ruined. He said he was going somewhere, but he never told me when, so I don't know when to kick everybody out. Fuck, why did this happen...

Even more people came and they were all running upstairs. Hopefully not my room, I didn't clean it since last week.

"Guys, don't go up there!" I ran up the stairs and I heard laughter from my room.

They were drinking alcohol and they were leaning against the window smoking cigarettes.

"Get out of here!" I shouted, watching them all run and laugh out the room.

What the hell, who told these guys to go into my room without permission? Now they're drunk, and they think they can do what the fuck they want!


I was sitting there on my bed with my phone, and I decided to call Yui.

"Hello.." I sniffed, putting the phone close to my ear.

"Why are there flashing lights outside the house?" He asked, sounding genuinely worried.

"Please don't tell anybody," I whispered. "But... I threw a rager... and people are drinking my fathers alcohol. And... they brought their own."

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Muichiro.?!" Yuichiro shouted through the phone. "A-are you being serious..?"

"I'll do anything for you to not tell father." I started to sweat, fear in my voice. "You know he's dangerous I can't get beat up it was a da—"

"Fine, I won't." Yuichiro said. "But you have to invite me."

Oh god, now Yui wants to go... nobody's help. I know I could just kick them out, but that's rude, y'know.? It was a dare and you have to get along with it.

"You okay in here?" Genya came in, and he shut the door behind him. He looked around. "Your room is small.."

"No, it isn't." I shook my head. "Its... fine the way it is."

"Have you drank alcohol yet?" He asked.

"No.." I replied quietly. "I don't like alcohol, I don't want to drink alcohol."

"Everyones destroying your house." He said. "Your father is literally going to beat you up."

"I know, I'll handle it." I mumbled, fidgeting with my fingers.


I turned around, watching him open my books and notebooks on my nightstand. "What are you doing.?"

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