ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴡᴏʀᴋᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀɴ ᴏʙsᴇssᴇᴅ ᴄᴜsᴛᴏᴍᴇʀ

340 9 15

"Tokito." The manager called when I passed by the office.


"We have new workers." He smiled, closing the office door. After that, I walked to the counter and my head twisted to the side to see a new worker.

I sighed, ignoring them when they greeted me.

"You okay?" Their hand patted my back, and their voice sounded deep.

—quick note it isn't genya—

I didn't like physical touch, but we have to be nice to the new workers over here. "Hi.."

"I heard that you worked here for over... 2 years?" They asked.

"Maybe.." I shrugged. "Too long to remember. Also, did they train you..?"

"Of course they did!" They laughed. "You can't be a worker if you don't know how to do deal with the customers, y'know? I'm glad to be here."

I nodded, and I heard a bell ring like always, a customer came in.

Anyways, this person seems proud and confident. I mean, who wouldn't? Looks talkative, looks happy that he is here.

"You supposed to have an apron for the job." I reminded, tapping the man's shoulder.

"Oh-" His eyes roamed around, and he put on the light blue and white apron from the hook.

"You're already screwed up." I said, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, I am."


"Hi, what could I get you?" I turned straight to the customer.

"You have donuts??" They asked with surprise. "The last time I came here, there were no donuts here!!"

"Uh-huh." I nodded. "Do you want one?" I went straight to my gloves and put them on.

"Uhhh, sure." They shrugged.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Just give me a random one."

"You got it!" I winked confidently, turning around and putting a random donut in the donut box. Which is.. maple bacon.

I glanced at the worker and they looked swoon. It's their first time here, they need some experience and a person who needs to demonstrate it for them to understand.

"Here you go, you have a nice day now." I handed over the donut box, and they gave me the money. 10 dollars it is!

"Damn." He sighed. "How the fuck could yo—"

"Language here." I said sternly. "Don't swear."

"Sorry." He lifted his hands up. "Anyways, uhhh- JUST HOW?"

"It's your first time, relax.." I said. "I thought they taught you.. didn't they.?"

"They did." He nodded. He cleared his throat.

"Then.. why do you seem so.. confused?"


"Answer my question!"

"Honestly uh, I don't know why I'm confused." He shrugged. "Wheres the customers??"

"Searching through aisles..?" I replied quietly, leaning against the counter. "People just need time to get stuff, not just get donuts in the back.."

"Oh shit, I forgot."

"Stop swearing!" I hit him hard on the arm. "You are already screwed up on the job, and now you swear??"

"Jeez christ, it was on accident." He said. "Damn, they're taking a while."

"can you please be patient my gosh!" I groaned. I saw the customer I see everyday come to the counter and lay their stuff down. They asked for a donut, of course. These donuts obviously taste good.

"Can i take the job this time?" He whispered in my ear while I bit my lip back in frustration.


He cleared his throat and he gave the customer an awkward smile.

"Where's tokito?" They asked, their head twisting to the sides.

"Right, they focus on you.." He whispered in my ear.

"Of course, I was the favorite for years at this store."

"Anyways," He turned to the counter. "Uhm, don't worry bout him." He swung his hand to the customer.

"Whats your name?" They asked.

How persistent.

"Mr uh.."

"Don't tell me you forgot your own name." I groaned. "GO JERK OFF!"

"Fuck you." He said playfully. "I ain't gonna jerk off.."

"There you are, Tokito!!" The customer jumped and almost climbed over the counter.

"Woah, woah, stop." I got startled. "Surprising you're so happy to see me.. uh.."

"Everyone loves you, Tokito." Their hands brushed theirselves off, and he calmed down.

Did that guy just climb over the counter?

"O-okay, so..?" I asked curiously. Well, just because I am everyones favorite worker, doesn't mean you treat other people differently. "Anyways do you want a donut, a.."

"Give me anything!"

"Uhm, alright." I nodded. "Just not for free, remember that.."

"Of course, Tokito!"

Donuts it is, huh? I picked out a lemon lavender donut. I tried it out before, and it was so good, so I wanted to give a customer that loves me, the best.

"Here you go." I gave him the donut box.

"Whatever Tokito likes, I like!" They took the donut out and ate it.

I felt a little bit disgusted, I usually eat donuts with gloves instead of hands because it'll get dirty easily.

"You should calm down.." I said, taking off my gloves. "Don't risk your life for me."

"Best worker I've seen so far."

"What store have you went to that has a better worker than me?" I asked.

"NONE!" They replied quickly, with a hint of worry.

I flinched.

"None of the workers are better than you, you serve donuts and you express gratitude!" They explained which caught me by surprise.

"Who doesn't express gratitude.." I sighed, turning around to look for the new worker. "Go home now, you got your donut."

"Whatever Tokito says!!" He immediately ran out the store with his donut box.

So frustrating.

"What are you doing in the office??" I exclaimed, my eyes widening. Wasn't this the managers room? They keep a room at the back of the store.

"I was talking to the manager," He explained. "Where are the new workers? He said there would be 2 more. You and I, plus one more."

"Three workers.." I whispered to myself, walking out the office with him. "Uhm, the store is great enough for only two workers, so why have three.."

"Exactly." He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, what happened with the customer that loves you so goddamn much?"

"Left." I replied. "I told him to leave, and he did. It's like I am the boss of him, and I don't want that."


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