ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ ᴋɪᴄᴋs ɪɴ

309 6 14



"Hi!" I greeted the customer, as they put their items down. "You want donuts?"

"Tell him to stop ignoring me." Alex pointed to me, and glanced at the customer.

"Can I have a classic glazed donut?" The customer asked, as I put my gloves on and grabbed the donut box.

ᴀʟᴇx ᴘᴏᴠ

"Tell Tokito to stop ignoring me please." I whisper-yelled to the customer. "He's been ignoring me ever since the store opened..?!"

"Why?" They asked, forming a smirk on their

"For no reason," I shook my head in disbelief. "He thinks I spied on him like bro- what??"

"Sorry man, I can't help." Their hands raised. "Tell that Tokito guy whats taking him so goddamn long, 'kay?"

"Only if you tell him to stop ignoring me, man.." My head was in my hands. "I needa communicate, y'know.?"

"The last time I came here you weren't workin' with Tokito." He chuckled. "You're new, huh? Causin' trouble already?"

"Nah," I replied. "Tokito is making assumptio—"

"Here you go, mister." Tokito handed over the donut box to the customer, and they left the store.

"Tokito?" I tapped his shoulder. "Tokito, Tokito, Tokito, Tokito, Tokit—"

"Can you shush?" He pushed me away. "Fuck!"

Didn't he tell me not to swear at this place???

"Why the fuck are you ignoring me?" I decided to swear back, because if he could, I can too. He can't fire me-

"You already know that, Alex." He sighed, organizing some stuff on the counter. "I don't hate you, but I don't trust you, I think you're very weird for... that."

"You know, you can be a real bitch sometimes." I turned him around. "I never spied on you, and I would never do that to a friend of mine."

"Don't call me a bitch!" He slapped me in the face and I was left in shock. "Stop fucking denying it, you piece of shit!"

My jaw dropped, and he took off his apron and hung it up on the hook. "I-I'm.." He rubbed his eyes. "I'm... done with you, Alex.." He sniffed, and ran out the counter.

I felt so shocked at this point. I made him cry, I can't believe he's so dramatic over something like this. Gosh, I feel like a bitch now.


ᴍᴜɪᴄʜɪʀᴏ ᴘᴏᴠ

"So this is Genya?" Yuichiro gave me a 'What the fuck' look.

"Y-yes." I nodded.

"Who's this?" Genya asked. "He sounds so disgusted by me being here."

"My older brother." I replied. "Don't act so stupid."

"Never heard of 'em before." Genya shrugged. "Guess I meet him now."

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