~Chapter 3~

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A small smile was plastered on my face as I opened my locker and thought about the upcoming afternoon. Lessons already ended and we had no homework, so I was free to go to the company, doing what I had wanted so desperately the whole day. Singing and dancing my heart out. Maybe my members would join me too if I asked them.

Feeling a presence behind me, I zipped my backpack and shut my locker.

"Unnie are you coming with me later?", thinking it was one of my friends I smiled and turned around, but soon backed away again when I saw an amused brown haired standing in front of me.

"Unnie? Never thought someone would call me like that.", the male started chuckling, sending shivers down my spine.

"Sorry, I have to go.", I diverted my gaze and started heading towards the exit, my smile faltering as soon as I recognized him as one of the seven trouble makers.

"Not so soon. Why don't we spend some time? My hyungs really seem to find you and your friends interesting since yesterday and maybe you're not really how they think about you.", he mustered me and put an arm around my shoulder, sadly accompanying me on my way to the bus station.

I chuckled awkwardly, hoping to make him go away soon as I wasn't so keen on talking with him neither going to the bus stop together. My body stiffened a little when I noticed everyone staring at us again, most of the girls sending glares at my way. Oh I was so doomed.

"I really have to go now. Bye!", I quickly brushed his arm off when noticing the familiar black van standing at the side of the parking space, ignoring his scoff and last comment about my rude behavior. I just wanted to get away and finally go to practice again, without having to worry about someone accidentally finding out about my real identity.

"Finally! I thought you would never come!", Ari exclaimed as soon as I took a seat in our van after making sure no one was focusing on me anymore.

"Are we going to the company?", I smiled when thinking about finally having a group practice again.

"Yes. We thought a group practice might light up your mood after these two days.", Mina smiled and told our driver to start heading towards the company.

"Well you really know me!", I exclaimed and buckled my seatbelt, already excited about the next few hours.

"By the way, with who did you walk out of the building back there? Did you make a friend?", Jia asked curiously.

"That was Jungkook. He told me the others were really interested in all of us and I don't think he meant it in a good way.", I scoffed when thinking about our encounter with Jimin in the cafeteria.

"He also mentioned that he wanted to get to know us better to see if his hyungs were right, but I don't think I left a good expression as I stormed off as soon as seeing our van.", I sighed and leaned back in my seat again, speaking a little quieter, so out driver wouldn't hear everything.

"Don't worry about it. I will kick their asses if they dare to hurt one of you!", Ari stroke some silly karaoke pose as good as possible while sitting in her seat, making me chuckle a little.

"I know you only mean it as a nice gesture, but please do not do that. I can already see the headlines if someone finds out about our identities.", Mina's leader side came out all of a sudden, making us all get serious again.

But she was right. We really had to be careful, so I would have to solve that problem and stop those boys from trying to create trouble with us in the best way possible. I had to confront them about it.

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I slightly pinched my own cheeks and took a deep breath, preparing myself to confront that blonde guy to finally stop bothering us and leave me and my friends alone. Of course I would have to apologize before hand for whatever I had done wrong, but I was sure they would't just leave us alone without a sincere apology.

Closing my locker door, I turned on my heel and headed towards the classroom, to bring my books there before confronting them. It was our third day and already lunch time, so I had enough time to talk it out with them.

Taking a deep breath when spotting all of them sitting near the football court on the outer side of the school, I started approaching the group of seven. I was a little surprised that they weren't in the cafeteria, but it was better for me like that anyways. A sudden wave of confidence washed over me as I came to a halt in front of them and was ready to speak when blondie already decided to silence me.

"Oh if that's not Miss Park Roseanne. What do you want?", shorty scoffed before glaring at me, angry for whatever reason again, making my body tense.

"I...I mean I...", yup there goes my confidence.

"What?", one of them chuckled, making me gulp in embarrassment. Get yourself together Aurora!

"Please leave me and my friend group alone from now on. I'm sorry that I took your seat and cafeteria table away. I will try to avoid it in the future.", I slightly bowed and diverted my gaze when regaining posture, biting my lip to hide my anxiety, which suddenly started overflowing me again when Mr blondie stood up, towering over me.

"You really think it works like that?", he chuckled, making my anxiety go away in seconds and replace it with annoyance and anger. I hated violence but at that time I just wanted to punch that annoying smirk off their faces.

"Just leave us please. We just want to go to school peacefully. I'm sorry if we have done something wrong in the past, we will try to do it differently in the future. If you'd excuse me now, I have to go.", I stared in his eyes, not afraid to back down, before turning on my heel and walking back into the school building.

A wave of relief washed over me as soon as I sat down on my seat in class again, Jia already waiting for me.

"Where were you?", she asked when spotting my body.

"I was just getting some fresh air.", I smiled at her, only telling half of the truth, but not really lying either.

The brown and black haired entered soon, the blondie, which was wearing an angry glare, following them. He shortly pierced his glance at me, but I instantly diverted my gaze. Why was he angry? Didn't they want an apology? Was I too rude?

"Hey Park Roseanne!", the male slammed his hands on my table, startling both me and my friend. Fear was written in my face as I looked up at the blonde haired, waiting for him to say something, my annoyance from before completely washed away.

The whole classroom went quiet, observing the situation and some even filming, indicating that nobody thought about doing something to stop the blonde male if he would hurt me.

He scoffed before turning around again and leaving the classroom, making not only me but my friend confused too.

"BTS. Remember the name.", the black haired's cold gaze met mine before he and Jungkook followed their friend.

"What was that?", I whispered still startled and looked at my friend, who had the same reaction as me.

From that moment on I knew there was no escaping anymore. No matter what I was going to do, we were too deep in to go back.

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Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now