~Chapter 16~

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"No one's here to save you now, huh?", Jaemin smirked at me.

I looked up at the taller boy, trying to think of something to get him away from me. His anger was written in his face, even though he didn't show it that much, but I knew it was because of the day before. In my opinion though, I hadn't done anything wrong, just defending myself.

Jungkook had already ran off, leaving me alone with that wannabe bad boy.

"Jaemin please leave me. I told you we can talk it out if you really want to hang out.", I sighed and locked eye contact, hoping he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"And I already told you that's not what I want!", he pressed me into the locker, anger lacing his voice.

"Then what do you want?", I tried to be calm, but broke the eye contact, looking around if someone was there to help me. The hallway was filled with a few students standing or walking by, some even watching the scene, but nobody helped me.

He started chuckling, making a shiver run down my spine.

"What I want? You want to know what I want?", he forcefully grabbed my chin and turned it to face him.

I quickly shut my eyes close, not wanting to look into his as the grip on me was harsh. His fingers were cold and pressed into my skin, making sure I would listen to him.

His other hand wandered to my ear and he moved my hair away, making me slightly flinch at his touch, my eyes still closed. Everything was quiet for a second, not a single student helping me even though I knew some were present, just watching everything. A few gasps were heard when Jaemin moved closer to me as I pressed myself into the locker, feeling his body lean closer to mine. Only the thought of him touching me made me want to throw up.

"I want you. And I always get what I want.", the male whispered into my ear, making my breath stock.

Realizing he meant it really serious and nobody was going to help me anymore, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Opening my eyes, I grabbed him by both shoulders and kicked my knee with all force in his groin. Jaemin hissed as I did so, letting go off my right wrist and crouching to the ground.

I took that as a chance and turned around already trying to run away. An ear piercing scream left my throat when I was pulled back by Jaemin grabbing my left ankle, my body harshly colliding with the cold floor.

"You think you're getting away with that?!", the boy stood up again, no pain visible in his eyes anymore.

My face went pale when he took a few steps into my direction, all the students continuing to watch and gasp from time to time. I backed away a bit and tried to stand up too, but was soon pushed onto the ground by the male again. Fear took over me when the elder harshly grabbed my wrist like before and pulled me up a little, making me scream once more.

"HEY HAN JAEMIN YOU FUCKING BASTARD!", a familiar voice filled my ears, a shimmer of hope rushing through me.

"Jimin...", I quietly voiced out as the group of ten rushed towards us.

My eyes were getting heavy as I watched them getting closer, the males grip on me loosening as soon as spotting my friends.

Jaemin was torn away from me, making me fall onto the ground once more. My body was soon engulfed into a soft hug by none other than my three group members.

Punches being thrown could be heard, indicating that the male who had harassed me a few seconds ago, was now being beaten up by the popular group of school. Trying to blend out the noise, I put my hands on my ears, eyes heavy yet shock was written all over my face.

"Rosie are you okay?", Jia looked at me, worry clearly visible in her eyes.

I only nodded slowly, still being startled from the whole scene, but no tears left my eyes. The shock only intensified when I could make out an angry Jimin in the distance, blood dripping down his knuckles. An unconscious Jaemin was lying in front of the maknae line, while the Hyung line just watched, all of them wearing serious and angry expressions.

Not even wondering about their behavior, I tried standing up, feeling a sudden wave of nausea taking over me when staring at the crimson colored liquid.

"Rosie!", Ari's worried scream was only like a quiet whisper to me, when my body gave in, my knees too weak to carry my weight.

All of the seven friends turned around at my group member's scream, noticing my current state.

"I think I have to throw up...", I closed my eyes, the dizziness never leaving me.

I felt myself being picked up as tears welled up in my eyes, being overwhelmed by the whole situation. The feeling of nausea intensified when the smell of iron filled my nose.

I tried to blend everything out again, hoping I could get myself to feel better on my own, but without any success. The picture of the unconscious Jaemin flashed in front of me all over again, the memories soon accompanying the disturbing scene.

I was soon put down in front of a toilet, someone holding back my hair. Tears flowed down my cheeks as my lunch left my stomach, leaving a sore feeling in my throat. A water bottle was placed at my lips and I quickly took a big gulp before opening my eyes again.

"Are you feeling better now?", Mina softly stroked my arms, while Jimin let go of my hair, making sure no blood stained it.

I only leaned back, too exhausted to say anything, yet a throbbing headache made its appearance. Closing my eyes again, trying to calm down and rest for a bit.

"I'll take her home."

🌹*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*🌹

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now