~Chapter 12~

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Come to the football field before lessons start!

"I'm leaving earlier!", I yelled through the dorm, getting a few rather less enthusiastic answers as a reaction to my statement.

I sighed when taking a seat in the bus, waiting for it to arrive at Bangtan High, my mind wandering off to the day before.

The seven boys had all brought me home yesterday after my complete breakdown, not uttering a single word on the ride there. My group members weren't really happy when seeing my state and slammed the door on BTS before they could even explain anything, making the whole situation only more embarrassing than it already was. Crying my heart out in front of my bullies wasn't really part of the plan and having to face them now wasn't better. I had to admit that all of them especially Jimin were really trying their best in comforting me, even though they knew they were the reason why I was feeling like that. But the fact that he ordered me to come to the football field before lessons made me feel uneasy and think they might have just acted on the day before to make me look even more stupid.

My heart started racing when I saw them laughing in the distance. Approaching the group of seven, I fiddled with my hands, not knowing how to react and embarrassed of my behavior of the day before.

They all stopped in their actions, mustering me when I came to a halt in front of them. Not uttering a word, I diverted my gaze until a hand stretched out to me.

"Here.", Jimin held out a packet of strawberry milk for me to take, making my eyes widen.

"For me?", I looked around to search if he meant someone else, confused why he would offer me a drink.

He sighed and softly took my right hand, placing the pink milk in it. I stared at the packet drink while he made his way back to the benches.

"Go to class now, otherwise you'll be late.", he added as he sat down next to his friends again.

A small smile started to form on my lips when I headed towards our classroom, taking a sip of my favorite drink. Quickly brushing it off again and lightly tapping my cheeks, I reminded myself that they had still bullied me. Talking myself into thinking they only were nice to me out of guilt, which probably was right, I came to the conclusion I still should distance myself from the popular friend group, as they only meant trouble for me until now.

"Where did you get that from?", Jia questioned and pointed at my strawberry flavored milk as I sat down at my seat.

"Oh I just bought it in the cafeteria.", I flashed her a small smile even though I was lying.

She only nodded, focusing on the lesson as the professor walked in, no Jimin, Taehyung or Jungkook in sight.

Lunch time soon came and we headed to the cafeteria together. Meeting Mina and Ari at our usual table, I smiled when seeing my favorite dish already placed at my seat. Happily digging in, I heard a few sighs in relief and was met with my friends smiling when looking up.

"Wwad?", I asked with a stuffed mouth, making them start chuckling.

"I'm happy you're eating again.", Mina smiled at me as I realized that it was my first meal in the past three days.

I continued to eat my lunch as the three slightly elder girls watched me with proud smiles, happy that I was finally feeling better. Someone suddenly putting four iced coffees on our cafeteria table, made me and my group members look up to see a black haired standing there.

"Here.", Jungkook softly slid the drinks to us.

"Enjoy your meal.", he cleared his throat before turning around and sitting down at BTS' table again, all eyes on us.

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now