~Chapter 6~

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My hands flew across the piano, gently tapping the notes I needed. A soft harmony filled the room and I added my singing to it, making the song sound magical. Closing my eyes, I put all of my emotions into it, stunning the other people present in the room. Finishing the last chorus, I reopened my eyes and tapped the last note. Turning my head towards my group members and our producer, I was met with happy faces.

"That sounds amazing Rose! I'm sure our fans would cry out of joy when hearing it.", Jia was amazed by my self written song.

"Yeah I think so too. It would really fit our concept as well!", Mia proudly smiled at me, while Ari was too stunned to speak.

"Do you think we can include it in the next album?", I turned towards our producer who instantly nodded.

"Yeah we can definitely do that, it sounds amazing and exactly fits the next concept too. I will talk it out with the CEO in the next meeting and see what he'll say about it, but I'm sure he will agree too, he always does.", our producer, named Sungmin, assured me.

The smile never left my lips as the four of us left the Hybe building together and took a seat in our van, already forgetting about the incident from the morning. We had started to prepare for our comeback today as we all had asked to do so, hoping it would distract us a little from the recent incidents happening in school. I thought it would be the best moment to present them my new song I had written as soon as we started to prepare everything for our school year. It was about having to deal with anxiety and being afraid of the future, which I currently really was.

Jia had also written a song, but she didn't show it to us yet, due to it probably being not fully finished. We all found joy in writing songs and showing them to the world and I was really grateful that our company allowed us to do so. Yet I hoped that we could focus more on it soon, after graduating from that no so pleasing school.

"Did you see the comments under your recent video?", Ari called out to me, looking at her phone.

"No. I still did not look at them. Are they bad?", I asked, getting interested.

"Not at all. Most of them are really nice, but some say they don't believe you. Here one of them says the bruises look like fingers on your wrist almost like someone had the intention to hurt you. The fans are getting suspicious about it.", she read the comment out loud, making me sigh.

I knew there would be some people paying more attention to it and noticing the odd finger shaped looking bruises, I just hoped they wouldn't voice out their thoughts and make this topic more difficult than it already was. I had a hard time in making that video as I hated lying to my fans, but I really couldn't tell them the truth. A disaster would break out if angels found out about someone intentionally hurting me and I knew that it wouldn't be good for both us as a group and BTS. They would surely be damaged by the shitstorm they would receive.

"Just don't answer them. I'm sure they soon forget about that topic as soon as another rumor goes around.", Mina assured as, taking responsibility as always.

"Yeah you're right. I just hope they don't do something like that again. I can't pull out another excuse.", I rubbed my temples, thinking about the group of seven.

"Let's drive home now. We all need some rest before going to hell after the weekend again.", Jia voiced out what we all thought.

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Another day in hell, which everyone called school. Students continued to observe every move of us and whisper whenever they saw our group of four walking through the hallways. New spread quickly and I was sure everyone knew about my troubles with BTS and mainly Jimin.

"See you later!", I smiled at Ari and Mina while shutting my locker and linking my arm with Jia's, both of us heading towards our next class, which was sports.

I sadly wasn't able to participate due to my bruised wrist, so I just sat on the side, watching the other girls, including Jia, playing volleyball and some of them trying to catch the attention of the boys, who were warming up on the other side of the sports hall. A sigh escaped my lips as I put my arms on my knees and my head on top of it, observing all the students having fun together. Jia sometimes glanced at me to check if I was okay and then played again, trying not to interact with others too much.

After sometime I informed the teacher about going to the restroom and I could feel some people staring at my back while I walked out of the sports hall, heading towards the girls bathroom.

I was about to unlock the door again, when female voices could be heard, indicating that someone entered the restroom.

"Did you see that Roseanne girl? She really thinks she's someone better when fighting with Jimin. I heard she even stole his seat and BTS' cafeteria table with her friends.", one of them scoffed, making me stop in doing my actions.

"Yeah she bumped into him last week too, but they taught her a lesson afterwards. Serves her right.", the other one added, making my breath stock.

Was that really how other students thought about me? Sure I knew all of them were staring at me like I was some other sort of living being, but that behavior was nothing other than mean and hurtful.

"I just know she only does it for attention. Who wouldn't want BTS to recognize them?", the first one exclaimed.

"Let's hope Jimin doesn't fall for it, otherwise we would have to teach her a lesson.", the second one started chuckling, making me gulp. I really couldn't need more trouble than I already had.

Both of them left soon making me sigh and unlock the door. Examining myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath and headed towards the sports hall again. It was hurtful to hear such comments. I was pretty good in handling hate comments normally due to my job, but I had never been confronted with them like that and knowing that almost the whole school despised me was just really disturbing.

"Back again?", Jia smiled as soon as I entered and sat down at the side again. They were currently having a small break, so my friend decided to check up on me after seeing I had left for the restroom.

I just nodded and tried to force out a small smile even though my mood wasn't the best anymore and I was pretty sure Jia had noticed that too, but she just left it uncommented and went towards the field again.

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Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now