~Chapter 14~

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"Hey Park Roseanne!", a male voice called out to me as I was about to leave the classroom, everyone else already gone.

"Huh?", I turned around to be greeted with a boy of the same class as Jia and me. He often wasn't present in the lessons like the trio, that's why he kinda stuck out too.

"Can I have your number?", the boy smiled at me, but something about him seemed off.

"Umm I'm sorry but I normally don't give my number out like that.", I scraped the back of my neck, not really having dealt with such a situation before.

"Oh but we're classmates and I thought we maybe could meet up sometime.", he chuckled and took a step forward, making the moment a little awkward.

"No thank you. I don't really do dating at the time.", I forced out a small smile, thinking about my agency.

It wasn't like they forbid dating, but we had to keep it hidden if someone happened to fall in love and get a boyfriend as long as we could. We were still new to the industry and a scandal or news about one of us dating would really make us famous, but believe me when I say not in a good way. Kpop fans could be really cruel and ignorant when it came to their idol having a partner. Many celebrities already were forced or willing to break up due to the intense hate they had received and I wasn't going to risk that with someone I barely knew, liked and didn't even know the name of.

He scoffed and grabbed my left wrist, not tight yet it still hurt. My left hand was at the peak of finally healing and now that boy was trying to hurt it again.

"Please let go, I think we can talk it out if you really want to hang out.", anxiety started overtaking me when he took another step into my direction and slightly pulled me towards him.

"No Roseanne I don't think you understand what I want.", his smile faltered and his cold gaze met mine, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Please let go! It hurts!", I hissed when he turned me around by my wrist and tried taking my phone away, the same way Jimin had done it.

I was struggling to keep my phone away from him and try to free myself from his grip, which didn't really make him happy. The male pulled my body against his and trapped me in his embrace, still trying to get the thing he wanted out of my hands. Pressing my phone against my chest and shaking my whole body, I let out a scream when the boy stepped on my foot to stop me from defending myself.

"Hey Han Jaemin!", the familiar voice of a blonde haired pulled me out of my trance and made me look up. Relieved that someone was there to help me, I pushed the male, who turned out as Jaemin, but was being held back by his grip on my wrist.

"Let go of me!", I yelled once more, getting frustrated that the boy just didn't listen.

"You heard her. Let go now, if you don't want to get in trouble with us!", Yoongi glared at Jaemin, anger lacing his voice.

Not even questioning why they suddenly were so protective of me, I pushed Jaemin again as his grip loosened when being confronted by the two males. Quickly running over to the two, Jimin pulled me behind him and Yoongi, his hand not leaving my right one.

"So now you're protective over her? Weren't you the one almost punching her face in the hallway?", Jaemin chuckled, making me think about the incident again.

"Shut up and mind your own business. Leave her alone from now on!"

Following the two members of BTS as Jimin's hold on my right hand never let go, I shortly glanced back to the male in our classroom. Seeing him smirking at me, made me divert my gaze quickly again.

The two dragged me out of the school building and towards the football field, where the other five were sitting on the benches. Coming to a halt in front of them, I fiddled with my hands and diverted my gaze as they all just looked at me, while I waited for someone to say something.

"Listen Rose.", the captivating voice of the blonde haired made me look up into his eyes.

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you and how I ordered you around. I shouldn't have done that especially after I found out about your identity. I let my emotions get the best of me and act like a complete jerk. It won't happen anymore, so I hope you can forgive me for what I've done.", he sighed before locking eye contact.

A small smile made its way onto my lips. I knew I maybe shouldn't be so fast in forgiving and I knew his emotions didn't justify his action and behavior towards me before, but I could see that he really meant what he said. Only the action of helping me get away from Jaemin or the drinks we had received explained everything.

"Thank you. I'm glad that you apologized to me. And don't worry, I'm normally not unforgiving.", a small smile escaped my lips.

Yeah maybe every other person would call me stupid for forgiving them and especially Jimin so fast, but I enjoyed the way they treated me the whole day. It made me feel warm and wanted. Not that it wasn't like that before, I knew my members and fans loved me to the bottom of their hearts, but that new feeling made me want to get more of it. And after all they even saved me that day.

"But you still made me scratch up my knees!", I glared at Namjoon, making the male sheepishly scrape the back of his neck.

"Sorry?", he chuckled making the others erupt into laughter.

"And nothing comes for free. If you want me to forgive you I want a strawberry milk!", I crossed my arms and smiled.

"No proble-"

"Every morning!", I finished, proud that I came up with a good deal.

"What?!", the group of seven widened their eyes.

"Do you want me to forgive you or not?", I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry. You'll get your strawberry milk.", Jimin chuckled making me grin.

"See you tomorrow then. And don't forget my drink!", I waved while running off, having to catch the bus.

🌹*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*🌹

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now