~Chapter 9~

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"Angelic's Rose being seen with visible bruises once again. Fans say they had seen the 17 years old leaving the Hybe building in a worrying state, her left wrist and both knees bandaged up and not many effort being put into hiding those injuries. They also state she looked very tired and drained of something. Many angels are furious about her company taking no action in protecting her health even after the first injury on her wrist was being shown to the public. Let's hope she will heal soon and everything will be ok!", Lila sighed as she closed her laptop the same way like last time.

Her with worry filled eyes met mine as I tried my best to not start tearing up when hearing the article again.

"Rose please just tell me what's wrong. We all are really worried about your heath.", she took my hands in hers while I diverted my gaze, not being able to look her in the eyes out of guilt.

"The members told me you haven't eaten for the whole day and I'm really starting to consider taking you out of that school.", my head shot up at her sudden statement. A shimmer of hope filled me as I locked eye contact with her, but soon broke it again when another questions was being thrown at me.

"Does someone pick on you?"

I shook my head, lying. Even though I really hated to do that, but I knew I couldn't ever tell her. Jimin could crush our career in the blink of an eye and I wouldn't risk him finding out that I told my company about it.

"Then how did you get those injuries?", she caressed the back of my hands, trying to get some information out of me.

"I fell down while practicing.", another lie. I hadn't even practiced as I was too drained by all the previous events. I had just sat down on the floor, staring at the mirror for two hours.

She sighed and let go of my hands, knowing that I wouldn't let her help me.

"I'll go now. The others are waiting for me.", I stood up and left her office, feeling her gaze at my back as I stepped through the door.

Putting on a black face mask and pulling my hood over my head, I approached the dark colored van, which was already parked in front of the building I had just left. Cameras started flashing as soon as they recognized me and reporter's questions were being thrown at me.

"Rose why are you injured?"

"Rose how are you feeling?"

"Any comment for your fans?"

I tried blending out the noise and ignored everyone of those questions as I took a seat in the van, taking a quick glance at my phone screen.

Come to the Han river with seven iced coffees, now.

I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, for the first time ignoring the blonde haired's command. A weird feeling started taking me over as I heard the notification sound of my phone go off, indicating that he had written something again, but I didn't care. I had enough. It hadn't even been two days since Jimin found out about my identity and he already treated me like some slave of his.

"To the dorm please.", I softly ordered the driver and kept my eyes closed.

Darkness soon engulfed me as I thought about all my fans, who were worrying about me and my health

🌹*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*🌹

Park Roseanne?


Hey Park Aurora answer me!

Are you crazy?

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now