~Chapter 18~

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"Rose! Rose! Rose!"

My eyes opened as I took in all the cheers of my fans and waved at them when stepping through the doors of the gate. We had just arrived from a flight and were being awaited by angels.

"Angelic look here!", some reporters yelled, making me turn my head and bow a little.

I intervened my arm with Jia's and both of us continued our way out of the airport, still having to attend a concert that night. Our fans and all the reporters followed us on our way.

A smile was plastered on my lips the whole time, having some interactions with angels and even receiving a few gifts. It always lightened up my mood when seeing fans and it did on that day too.

Until I heard a scream behind me and footsteps approaching soon after. Letting go of Jia's arm and quickly turning around, I was greeted with an unfamiliar face storming at the four of us. My eyes widened when I could make out a silber blade in one of the males hands.

Our security tried their best to keep the unknown away and bring us to safety, but another scream filled with pain made my head shot up again.

Blood. Everywhere.

The floor was filled with the crimson colored liquid, making a wave of nausea hit me. My legs gave in and I fell onto the ground, my clothes immediately soaking itself with blood. An iron like smell made its way into my nose too.

My eyes got heavy when I looked at my hands, the red color being everywhere. Diverting my gaze again, I could hear my members pain filled screams. The last thing I saw was the unfamiliar storming at me, the shining blade still in his hands.

I immediately shot my eyes open and sat up when finally waking up from that awful dream. Regretting my quick act, I groaned when a throbbing headache made me hold my head to stop it.

Trying my best to blend it out, I took in my surroundings, observing the unfamiliar room I was in. The duvets smelled like fresh male cologne, making me realize where I probably had been taken to. Jimin's home.

I sighed and stood up, taking a quick look into the full body mirror, which was hanging on the wall. My face looked terribly sick and my chin was still a little red due to Jaemin's grip on it at the lockers. My eyes wandered at my school uniform which was stained with blood at some spots, making me instantly feel uncomfortable in wearing it.

Diverting my gaze from the mirror, I noticed a hoodie being neatly put onto the nightstand and a small note left on top of it. I read the short sentence which said I could change into it when waking up and did so, removing the uniform's blouse from my upper body first. Keeping the skirt on as I didn't have anything else to wear instead of it, I headed towards the door.

Walking down the stairs of the house, I could hear some music coming from a nearby room and somebody singing along to it. Every tone was right and the voice sounded amazing. Was that Jimin?

I pulled on the sleeves of the hoodie, which was clearly oversized and smelled like cologne, a little and stepped through the door, being greeted with a singing blonde haired, who smiled as soon as spotting me.

"Hey Rosie...are you feeling better now?"

My heart skipped a beat when my nickname left his mouth, a small blush appearing on my cheeks. I only nodded, being confused with the sudden unfamiliar feeling taking over me.

"Take a seat, I made some food for you.", he softly smiled and put a plate down on the dining table.

"So you sing too?", I cleared my throat and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Yeah, you heard it?", he awkwardly chuckled and scraped the back of his neck.

"Yeah, it sounded really good!", I exclaimed and took a bite of the sandwich he had prepared for me, a smile making its way onto my lips when thinking about his voice.

"I feel honored to hear that from Park Rose herself!", he continued to chuckle, but this time genuinely happy.

A small laugh left my mouth too as I continued to eat my sandwich, making the male stop.

"What?", I frowned when seeing him suddenly so absent, but soon a smile formed on his lips again.

"You're cute.", his voice only came out as a whisper, but I still heard it and a small blush formed on my cheeks again.

I started coughing when realizing what he had said, making him get out of his trance and quickly bring me a glass of water.

"Sorry if that startled you.", he sheepishly scraped the back of his neck once again while I took a big gulp of the water.

"No it's okay. I'm just not used to hearing that.", I exclaimed.

"Nah you can't tell me that. You're an idol, you're hearing that every day.", Jimin raised his brow.

I kept silent, knowing he was right. Yeah I heard those words almost every day, but something about the way he had said it was just different, rising up a feeling inside of me I had never felt before.

"Or is it because I was saying it?", the blonde haired smirked and leaned closer to my face, making me gulp.

My heartbeat increased when looking at his face, his brown eyes and pink lips drawing all of my attention to his features. My gaze wandered all over his face, noticing the males flawless skin and stopping at his brown orbs, which were already looking at mine.

His hand wandered to my face as his thumb softly stroke over the left corner of my lip, yet his eyes lingering on mine and never breaking eye contact.

"Cute.", he smiled but pulled back again, going to wash the sandwich crumble off his finger which he had stroked away from my lip, leaving me as a blushing mess.

I put my hand onto the spot on my lips where his thumb lingered at before, my heartbeat racing like an F1 car. Quickly clearing my throat when the male came back from the sink, I fixed my hair and posture, before taking a sip from the water again.

What was this feeling? It couldn't be love, right?

🌹*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*🌹

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now