~Chapter 2~

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A smile was plastered on my face as I moved my body to the rhythm and sang along with the music coming from the boxes. Every step was perfectly executed and not one note was wrong as I continued to dance to our debut song. It was my favorite among all of the few we already had as it represented the beginning of our journey and dream life.

I plopped myself onto the floor as soon as the song stopped and I was done with my routine. Examining myself in the mirror, I smiled seeing my old self again. The new look I had to fake for going to school was really pretty too but nothing compared to my own looks. Not because my fake appearance didn't look beautiful, it just didn't match my vibe and personality, which made me feel uncomfortable and I was glad that I didn't have to look like that after school.

Clapping sounds made me look up to the door, where a familiar female stood, a proud smile plastered on her face.

"I knew I would find you here.", Mina approached me and sat down on the wooden practice floor next to me, staring into the mirror and examining the both of us.

"I just needed to get my mind off school. It was only the first day and we already got on the bad side of the popular kids. Not really a good start if you ask me.", I sighed once again and laid down, facing the ceiling.

"I know but I'm sure they probably already forgot about it anyway. It wasn't really a big deal.", she shrugged.

"I don't know. They didn't seem very happy with our presence.", I exclaimed and sat up again.

"They won't do anything to us, right?", I added, thinking about their intimidating stares.

"No, don't worry. I'm sure they won't hurt us because of such a silly thing.", she chuckled and stood up, stretching her arm out for me to take.

"Let's go to back to the dorm now. The others are already waiting for dinner.", she smiled and helped me up.

I put on my bucket hat and face mask before we stepped out of the building. Some reporters and fans were waiting for their idols in the front, probably some also being here for us. Even though we were on a hiatus, it was no secret that we were also going to prepare for our comeback soon, so fans were already looking forward to it.

"Rose! Mina! Look here!"

Cameras flashed as I fixed my mask before waving to the fans and paparazzi, who were making pictures of the two of us. Mina and I soon took a seat in our van and waved goodbye to the fans as our driver started heading towards our dorm. 

I leaned back in my seat in exhaustion, closing my eyes and thinking about the day. Almost all of my anger and annoyance about going to school was already replaced with anxiety and nervousness about the next day. I knew that Mina told me not to worry about it, but their whole aura gave off that you rather shouldn't mess with the seven of them. None of my members were really cautious about the topic, but I knew how such people could be when losing their temper and I wasn't keen on finding out if it really was the same for them.

Maybe I was overthinking and interpreting too much, but the blonde's smirk and cold stare just wouldn't get off my mind and I was pretty sure I would be having nightmares because of him.

We soon arrived and Ari and Jia had already cooked dinner and waited for us to eat together, but I excused myself and went to bed after taking a short shower, saying I wasn't hungry. The whole school thing was really bothering me and ruined my appetite, even though the other two had cooked one of my favorite meals.

I could make out my door opening and someone coming in to check if I was already sleeping, my eyes heavy and my mind almost drifting away. The last thing I heard was a soft sigh and the door closing again, before sleep engulfed me.

Thorns of Roses // OC x Jimin // BTS High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now