Tears of the Jolly Beetle!

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Jules is chilling in the Man cave, munching on her uncle's burrito, while the Hero duo basks in the glory of accepting medals from the Vice Mayor of Swellview in Swellviewcity Hall. Talk about a power move! Jules wasn't allowed to go because her uncle was concerned that her power might go haywire in a crowded room. After all, Jules isn't exactly a social person.

As Henry prepared to give his speech, the music suddenly blared and everyone bolted out of their seats, leaving poor Henry standing there, utterly bewildered. Meanwhile, Jules couldn't contain their laughter, bursting into uncontrollable giggles while she ate the burrito.

"Ah! Poor Henry."

— — —

Returning to the Man Cave, Henry and Charlotte faced a little hiccup. Oh boy, Ray took a tumble, and let's just say, things are not looking good for him. It's a real doozy of a problem. Well, they've got a bit of a situation on their hands.

They can't let this mishap tarnish Captain Man's stellar reputation! Oh boy, looks like he's become an easy target for those dastardly villains.

"Come on, Gooch. How many more of these tests are we gonna do?" Ray grumbles.

Gooch has run countless tests on poor Ray, and Jules is doing their best to hide her panic. These experiments are like a ticking time bomb, ready to do some serious damage.

"Shush," Gooch said. "Now remove your right glove, then hold your right hand."

Ray reluctantly took off his glove while Gooch ominously loomed behind a massive flame thrower, "This is getting on my nerves now."

Henry and Jules were chowing down on the frozen yogurt that Ray bought from the mayor. Charlotte was at the screens. Well, it was meant for him and Ray. Jules couldn't resist getting a taste of her uncle's yogurt. It's not like she enjoys it or anything, but stress eating is her go-to when she's worried about her uncle's vulnerability.

Henry and Jules couldn't contain their worries as Gooch ignited the flamethrower, "Hold in the fire!"

Gooch unleashed a fiery attack on Ray's unsuspecting hand, causing him to let out a rather melodramatic cry of pain. "Ow! Ow Ow!" He let out a deafening scream while Henry and Jules casually enjoyed the yogurt and Charlette looked back at Ray.

That's when Gooch put down the flame thrower. Ray's hand was burned and hurt very badly.

"Do you still feel the pain in your hand?" Gooch asks.

"Yeah!" Ray lets out a groan that could rival a symphony of suffering. "I don't get it! It's been two seconds, the pain should be gone by now."

"We need more tests." Gooch declares.

"No, we've checked enough of my body parts." Ray objected.

"What about his butt?" Henry asks. "Check his butt."

"We should check your butt," Gooch confirms.

"Maybe is important, or maybe it's just a tiny, insignificant detail that we can all laugh about," Jules added, giving a nod of approval.

Ray shoots a glare at his niece before turning to Gooch, "Check my butt how?"

Gooch grabbed a bow and arrow, ready to unleash his inner Robin Hood, "Face the other way and touch your toes."

"Do it," Jules said with a straight face and zero hesitation as Henry smirks.

Ray shot Jules a wild-eyed look of disbelief, shaking his head in disapproval, "Oh, no, no, no! You've already stabbed my neck, poured acid on my foot, and toasted my hand. I think we can all assume I'm also vulnerable to butt wounds."

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