Birthday Girl Down!

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When the elevator door opened, Henry got out and began to walk into the Man Cave.


"Hey," Ray and Jules greetings.

"You called me," Henry states

"Yeah, check out what's in that bin," Ray tells Henry, and Jules chuckles.

"Okay." Henry went to the bin, opened it, and took out the underwear. He then held it up.

"What is.."

"I want you to do my laundry!" Henry was disgusted by Ray's explanation.

"Ew, no," Disgusted, Henry trailed off and put the underpants back in the bin.

Jules couldn't help but burst into laughter as Henry shook his head in disbelief. Out of nowhere, a beeping sound filled the air.

"What does that sound mean?" Henry wonders.

"That we have a delivery," Jules informs Henry with confusion that a pizza package descended as the tube took place.

"Huh?" He gives them a look. "Did one of you order a pizza?"

"No." The two of them both deny it and when Ray opens the pizza, he finds a message hidden inside it.

"Hey, get this." A grin appears on Ray's face as he reads..."Dear Captain Man, our daughter Debbie is having her birthday party Saturday night-"

"Oh no, Debbie?" Henry lets out a groan, quickly silenced by Ray's firm shushing.

"We're inviting some of Debbie's favorite celebrities, including you, and Miss Swellview— oh, she's so hot!" Ray finished reading.

"Will you please stop reading the box?" Ray pulls away as Henry tries to reach it when Henry asks him.

"So, if you agree to come to Debbie's birthday party, you may cash the enclosed check for 12,000, each." Ray raised the check. "Woah, look at this check!"

"It has pizza grease on it." Henry makes a point, and Jules just shrugs.

"I know." Ray beams and Jules can't help but smile as they look at the check.

"Fine! Go to her party with other kids in my class except me." Henry complained, and Jules shot him a confused glance.

"Why aren't you invited?" Jules asks as she shakes her head.

"Cause I was at Debbie's birthday party last year and everyone thinks I shot her in the face with a rubber ball and knocked her off the roof," Henry explains. "Onto a dog."

"Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that on the news!" Ray remembered. "You did that?!"

"No!" Henry shouts. "Everyone just thinks it was me."

"Henry..." Ray starts. "It's just you, me, and Jules here."

"So?" Henry questioned.

"Why did you shoot Debbie in the face?" Ray asks him while Jules playfully smacks his arm.

Henry gets upset. "I didn't! Man, even you two don't believe me!"

Jules responds loudly, "I believe you," as she approaches him.

"What?!" Henry said.

Ray and Henry exchange stunned looks at Jules, who states again, "I believe you." 

Henry continues to approach her, exclaiming, "Really! Are you sure? Because you're maybe playing a joke on me."

"Henry, you don't look like the type to hurt someone on purpose, after all, when you lie your voice gets high, and glance at your feet," Jules explained. "So yeah! I believe you."

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