Substitute Teacher!

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Seeing as how both Henry and Charlotte are currently out at school. At the Man Cave, Jules is chatting with her mom, Haylee Manchester, on video chat. Freelance photography in Africa is her mother's occupation. Because of their shared traits, Jules is very similar to her mother. Like her, Jules can be serious, creative in the family, fiercely stubborn, and deeply caring about the well-being of her loved ones.

"It worries me that Henry and his friend might expose your secret, even if he seems like a nice and hopeful young man. Jules, if—"

"They have my trust, Mom." Softly smiling, Jules said. "It was the same with Uncle Ray initially, but he eventually changed his mind."

"Alright, by the way, where's your uncle now?" Haylee asked, her recent nod marking her surrender to talking things out. "Would you mind if I spoke to him, please?" Jules nodded, snatched her phone, and made her way downstairs.

"Hey, Uncle Ray! My mom wants to—" Jules was cut off from seeing that her uncle was dancing with Leilani. Ray turns to Jules, "Hey! Bluey wants to join in. Is fun." Then turn to Leilani as they both smile and giggle at each other.

"Perhaps next time, aside from that," Jules remarked as she made her way. "Someone here is interested in speaking with you." With a hand gesture, Jules gave Ray her phone. Upon seeing his older sister Haylee, Ray's amusement transforms into shock.

"Sissy! Hey, H-How are you," Ray said with nervousness pulling out a remote to turn the music off.

"Hey, Raymond!" Haylee said with a deadpan. "So about the two kids that work for you" Haylee was cut off when the call from Goosh came on the monitors.

"Sorry, I got to go, is an emergency. Talk to you later."

"Ray-" Ray hung up and threw the phone at Jules and headed to the elevator. Jules with a shocked face. "Uncle Ray!?"

"What we have an emergency, let's go." Ray declares. Jules recently followed and headed to the elevator 

"Gooch! What happened?!" Ray anxiously questions him as the two Manchester hurry up to the store to see what the commotion is all about. "Why did you send us an emergency signal?"

"Look. That's a garbage juicer!" Gooch can't help but crack a mischievous smile as they gaze upon the massive juicer before them.

"A garbage juicer?"Ray asks, clearly irritated."

"It juices garbage!"

"Oh, wow, I'm shocked!" Jules sarcastically with her arm folded over her chest.

"Gooch, I was busy downstairs researching criminals," Ray tells Gooch, and Jules both raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Really, not according to my eyes, you were—Mmmmm." Jules furrows her brow as Ray covers his niece's mouth.

"You know Bluey always talks funny," Ray takes his hand away and Jules lets out an exasperated sigh as she glares at him.

"Watch," Gooch tells them and opens the juicer. He decides to get creative with his juicing and lifts a garbage bin, dumping all the trash inside. Talk about a unique flavor combination! Jules wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I dump the garbage into the thingy!"

"Goosh!" Ray complains.

"Now observe", Gooch informs them and starts the juicer, which Jules and Ray mentally gag over as they see the green liquid flow into a cup.

"You see? The garbage is gone." Gooch points out holding the juice. "It's all in the juice."

"Can we go back downstairs now?" Ray asks and Gooch looks away.

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