Super Volcano!

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Jules was holding hands with Mason walking through the park with him carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder and the other hand holding his guitar. She told her Uncle that she went out to get ice cream.

As he began to feel anxious about fulfilling his plan, he assured her, "I guarantee you'll love this... I think."

"Hey, whatever you have planned, I'll enjoy it." She smiled sweetly and reassured him by slightly squeezing his hand. Mason looks at her with awe.

"We..." Mason said, as he gently positioned the duffel bag on the grass, "Are enjoying a breakfast picnic, my lady."

She looks at Mason with affection because she appreciates him so much. Despite the cheesiness, she didn't mind spending their first date elsewhere. She just wanted to be with him. Mason then began unpacking the duffel bag packed with food, sandwiches, and drinks. He spread it all out on a picnic blanket on the ground.

"Don't you have school," Jules said.

"Yeah," He said. "In a couple of hours." He waves off. "Is fine."

Jules chuckles as she takes a bite of her pretty good sandwiches, "Mason this is so good!" Surprisingly, it wasn't terrible, and she gasped in shock. Mason did not appear to be an awful cook.

Mason exhaled deeply and exclaimed, "Thanks God."

After finishing their meal. Mason smiled. "I'd like to sing you a song I wrote to express how much you mean to me," he said nervously.

He reached for his guitar, his hands sweating. Before playing, he looked up at the pretty girl before him and expressed his desire to ask her to be his girlfriend. His heart was beating and he was nervous until he heard his phone vibrating.

He lay his guitar down and glanced at his phone that was beside him. He was saddened and exhaled.

Jules looked at him worried, "Everything okay."

"Yeah," He exhaled and glanced up. "My sister, Bianca texted saying that she was here and we have to go school."

"Oh," Jules said. "Okay." They stood up and cleaned everything into the duffle bag.

Mason turns to Jules, "I'm sorry I have to go."

"No problem," Jules smiled softly. She did something bold and tiptoed and kissed Mason on the cheek, "Thanks for the date."

Mason sighed as he watched Jules turn around and leave. In his mind, he hopes to get another chance to tell her soon. 

— — —


Ray, Charlotte, Schwoz, and Jules were in the Man Cave and had just heard the terrible news: they were all going to die.

A volcano 50 miles below the surface is set to erupt in two days, causing the entire Earth to melt. All of them will perish, except her uncle, who is indestructible, but he is still sad about it. He is losing everything, including everyone he cares about, and he will be alone.

Schwoz was keeping an eye on its health and estimating when it might blow up. A loud crash and shouts came from the elevator. Jules shifted her gaze from the screen to see Henry exiting the elevator.

"Hey, guys. "What's the poops?" Henry remarked this while walking into the Man Cave.

"We're all gonna die," Ray tells Henry, and his expression saddened.

"What?" Henry suddenly stopped walking.

"You're not gonna die!" Charlotte declares.

"You're indestructible." Schowz mocked.

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