Spoiler Alert!

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Schowz got snacks on the couch in the Man Cave and brought down a large screen. Jules had no interest in the Walking Orange, but Henry managed to pull her into it after they watched the first episode.

"Yeah, baby, series finale of Walking Orange!" Henry gives a cheer as they all settle into the couch to watch Walking Orange's finale.

"I can't believe we're about to watch the last episode ever," Ray says while holding a pizza tray.

"I know." Charlotte and Jules exchange a grin. Jules took a seat with her bottle of Coke next to Henry and Ray.

"Television history!" Schowz exclaimed as everyone stared at the enormous screen that was in front of them.

On the Screen, it shows as it began, "It's the television's biggest night! The Tony Awards!"

All of them burst into anguish, shouting at Schwoz to switch the channel. Schwoz quickly switched the channel and shouted above their yelling.

"There I fixed it! I fixed it!" Schowz shouted as everyone let out a sigh of relief, and the show started.

"Previously on Walking Orange..." On the screen said.

Henry exclaimed, "It's happening."

Everybody's phone went off, except Schwaz, and they checked them. Jules's eyes widened as she met hers.

"Are you kidding me!" Jules shouted.

"No!" Ray says.

"Oh no!" Henry gets up and throws his pizza at the wall while screaming. Ray and Jules scream in shock and hits a pillow on the ground. Charlotte then throws her Skeezits all over the place which makes Schwoz confused.

"Just turn it off." Ray groans, and Schwoz shuts off the big screen.

Schowz looked back at them. "What happened? Why did we not watch 'Walking Orange'?" He then turns to Henry. "And why did you heave your pizza?"

"Because the Spoiler ruined Walking Orange!" Henry shouts.

"Stupid "The Spoiler!" Charlotte snarls.

"Wish I could portal him to a moving truck," Jules grunts as she crosses her arms over her chest. They all have expressions of concern on their faces in response to her statement.

"Who is The Spoiler?" Schwoz questioned get back on track.

"He's this jerky teenager here in Swellview!" Ray snaps and stands in the middle of the couch. "He finds out what gonna happen on TV shows and movies..."

"And then he tells people the ending!" Henry concludes.

"He ruins it for everyone!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"I can't stand that guy!" Jules exclaimed. "Why does he always have to spoil everything? I want to ruin him and beat his-Mmm!" Henry put his arm over her mouth and pulled her to his chest, cutting her off. Not bothering to take off his bony fingers, she let out a groan.

"Not for me. I am smart." Schowz reached into his back pocket and took out his phone. "I turn my phone off."

"Well, yip de do for you Schwoz!" Henry snaps, and he takes his hand off Jules's mouth. They all ran to the monitor when the call siren went off.

Ray picked up the line. "What, Gooch?"

"Do you know what 'The Spoiler' did?" Gooch asks.

Schwoz covers his ears and yells, "Ah!"

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