My Phony Valentine!

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Ray was looking at Miss Shapen on the TV, enraged. Henry asks Ray to go on a date with Henry's teacher, Miss Shapen. Jules laughed at that, but Henry pushed him to ask her out so he might receive a better grade.

"Are you kidding me?!" Ray yelled at Henry. "That's your teacher, Miss Shapen."

"My single teacher." Henry winked as he grinned.

Jules was chuckling until she noticed her uncle glaring at her with intensity, causing her to stop and nervously massage her neck. She glances down on her phone texting Mason saying that he will meet her at the shop tomorrow to pick her up. Jules was invited to go to Club Soda with Mason.

"Oh, I'm so surprised," Ray replied sarcastically.

"Come on," Henry said. "If you have dinner with her, she'll change my 'F' into an 'A'.

"Wow," Jules exclaimed. "You suck."

Henry glares at her and turns to Ray.

"Hey, I got a good idea," Ray said turning to Henry.

"What?" Henry said.

"Why don't I have Valentine's dinner with your mom?" Ray grinned

"No!" Henry shouted.

Jules groaned as she stood up and walked to her uncle, "How many times do I have to tell you, She's married."

Ray frowned at his niece's response, and groaned, "All right. I'll have dinner with Miss Shapen."

"Yes!" Henry exclaimed. "Ooh, and she loves chicken so feed her some chicken."

"All right," Ray declared.

"Ray," Henry said as he started to pat Ray's arm. "I will never forget this."

Ray started to smack Henry's back which startled him as he replied, "Neither will I."

Jules glanced and observed Schowz enter the room. "Hey, look at me. I'm Mr. Varlintine's."


"That is bad."

"Varlintine?" Jules said confused.

"Yikes." Ray glanced to face Schowz. "That's what you're wearing for Gerta?"

"Oh, yes. Gerta will love this," Schowz said as he walked up to them massaging his shirt.

"Who's Gerta?" Henry asked as Ray and Jules glanced at each other with a sigh.

"His Valentine's date," Jules said as she let out a chuckle. "Who's actually a..."

"Hey, Schowz!" Ray cuts off as he turns to look at Schowz.

"What?" Schowz questioned.

"Our friend Henry here waited until today to ask a girl out for Valentine's." Ray walked to Schowz.

"What? That's not how girls work." Schowz looked at Henry.

Jules shot him a half-assed sarcastic smile as she turned to Henry, "He knows that now." Henry mocks back at her.

"So, why don't you let Henry take Gerta out for dinner tomorrow night?" Ray recommended.

"Me take Gerta?" Henry said as he tilted his head.

"No way!" Schowz protested. "Gerta is for Schowz only."

"Come on, just lend her to Henry for one night!" Ray asserted.

"Why can he just ask Yulisa for dinner tomorrow?" Schowz said pointing at the two teens.

Jules and Henry exchange glances before turning away, awkwardly.

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