Jasper Danger!

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Tonight was Halloween, and it was about to get spooky. Ray appeared ridiculous in a peculiar ensemble consisting of a lobster costume combined with a cheerleader outfit. Jules swiftly captured a photograph and immediately sent it to her mother, seeking her reaction.

Jules will be dressing up as a grim Reaper this year, complete with half-skeleton makeup and a scythe. Charlotte and Henry emerged from the elevator, both wearing their costumes. Jules had her back turned while she was using her phone to send text messages.

"Hey, Jules-"

She turns in, scaring Charlotte and Henry and making Jules giggle at their expressions. "Sweet!" she nodded. "I got you guys good."

"What the heck are you supposed to be?" Seeing how ghastly Jules's costume was, Henry couldn't help but cringe.

"Oh, just your average grim Reaper," Jules replied casually as she snatched the scythe from the couch. "Have you seen your look? Don't you think zombies are kind of played out?"

Charlotte turns to Henry and gives him a grin.

"Yeah, I have," Henry glared at her then turned to Jules. "Hey want to come with me and Charlotte for trick or treating."

"Sure but I presumed you are here because my uncle has contacted you," Jules stated.

"He did."

Suddenly, Ray emerged from the building wearing a cheerleader dress and a lobster costume with excitement. "Happy Halloween! Look I'm a cheer lobster!" He started moving around and dancing, wiggling his silly tail in the direction of the three teenagers.

As Jules and Henry stand by her side, Charlotte asks questions and chuckles, "Cheer lobster?"

"Is that, like, a thing?" Henry asked as well.

Jules couldn't help but chuckle as she glanced at her phone and read her mother's message about Ray. Her mother had quite a sense of humor!

"Mom! said you look stupid, Also this," Jules asks as she gestured, "This causes me both mental and physical pain."

"Yeah, it's a thing and it's not stupid." Ray quickly countered. "Look. Go team! Please don't boil me or use a tiny fork to remove my flesh and eat me!" Using his lobster claws, he clicked them.

Jules criticized as she crossed her arms, "You look more like a lobster than a cheerleader." She frequently wondered about how she related to this man.

"Well, there was no room for lobster boobs," Ray declares, giving his chest a little shake.

"Why did you beep Henry?" Charlotte lifted Henry's wrist.

"So you guys could come see my cool costume," Ray said with a hint of disappointment as Henry sighed, and Jules rolled her eyes.

"Aw, Ray. I had to zap my little sister to come here." Henry groaned.

"You killed her?"

"No, I just stunned her." Henry clarifies and begins to realize as he gazes at his wristwatch. "Wait, I think it was set to stun. Stun is blue and kill is red, right?"

Ray simply shrugs, "I don't know. I can never remember."

"Can we please go trick or treating?" Charlotte groaned.

"Yeah, let's go," Henry responded.

"Hey! Uncle Can I-" Jules asked before being cut off due to the blaring emergency signal, "Uh-oh, trouble."

Ray attempted to pick up the remote, but unfortunately, his lobster claws proved to be quite the challenge, causing him to drop it rather comically. "Oh, shellfish!" The button was pressed by Jules, who became impatient. "What's up, Gooch?"

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