The Danger Begins!

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The couch automatically turns around revealing two people on it. He then notices an older man with headphones with his back turned and a young teenage girl drawing on a notebook with earbuds on my ear on the counter not paying attention.

The young man tries to gather their attention, "Hello?!"

The young girl looks up from her notebook. She has dark brown, curly, and messy hair that falls over her shoulder made in a side braid. Her eyes were blue-green like the ocean. She noticed a nice boy about her age with untidy blonde hair. She whacked the older man on the shoulder to grab his attention because he was wearing headphones and couldn't hear her.

She closed her notebook and nudged him, whispering, "Someone's here."

"Hey! How are ya?!" My dad greeted the boy who was confused but surprised, stood up, and accidentally tossed the headphones at the girl's head.

The girl rubbed her head and mumbled, "Ow."

"Cool! Thanks! It is great to meet ya. I'm doing good. What's your name?" the older man with brown hair continues, quickly, approaching the kid. The girl stood where she not trying to get involved.

"Um...I'm Henry Hart." He introduces. "I'm here about the job."

The older man asks about his age in the boy responds that he is thirteen and going to fourteen on his next birthday.

"Ah, so, you're aging sequentially. I like that." The older man mentions. The girl had a clueless look on her face about what he meant by that.

The blonde boy said, "Thanks."

"My name is Ray." The older man introduces shaking his hand and gesturing over to the girl near the spinning couch. "This is my niece, Julissa."

"Hi, Ray." He says and looks at the girl with a cute grin. "Julissa." The girl walks up to the boy and shakes her hand. "You can call me Jules."

Henry noticed a bracelet that she was wearing on her left hand. The thin metal bracelet appears to be a little bigger around than Jules's wrist. It is made up of two rings, with two metal loops on either side holding the smaller ring into the bigger one. At the bottom of the smaller ring, centered on a metal platform that enables the gem to rotate back and forth inside the smaller ring, is a single purple stone fashioned like a star.

"You ask a lot of questions." My dad randomly says. The only person who was asking a lot of questions was him, not Henry.

"I don't think I've asked any questions," Henry says with confusion as Ray walks to the other side of him. Ray nodded at Julissa and she nodded back.

"Chocolate or vanilla?!" Jules chirps at the boy, making him jump as she approaches him. She let out a few chuckles. Although it was typical for her, the girl was a few inches taller than the boy.


"Hm," Jules shrugging her shoulder. "Lame."

"You're lame," Henry argues.

"You haven't enjoyed much ice cream since then." Jules scoffed and the boy raised his eyebrow. "Compared to chocolate, which has some flair, vanilla is the dull flavor."

"Helicopters or kangaroos?" My dad asks him.

"Helicopters!?" The boy said with a clueless look.

"Love it! Scrambled eggs or dynamite?" Ray continues with absolute seriousness.


Jules and Ray exchanged a fierce glance. "Maybe."

"Complete this sentence! 'I'm sorry, mother, I didn't mean for my elephant to... blank?" Ray trailed off.

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