Henry the Man-Beast!

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Jules was upstairs organizing items on the counter and looking after the shop after Goosh had an emergency with his nephew Benji. Jules volunteers to be the cashier until he returns.

As Jules was about to go in the back, she heard a guitar playing and turned to see a small crowd gather around and hear singing in front of the shop. Jules looks with curiosity as she slowly walks toward the door.

She opened the door and heard;

"Now I know you're not a fairytale

And dreams are meant for sleepin'

And wishes on a star just don't come true

'Cause now, even I can tell

That I confused my feelings with the truth

Because I liked the view

When there was me and you."

Jules slowly moves away from people and sees a clear view of a young man with curly brown hair. He is tall with a slim build, holding a guitar that was strapped on the shoulder with the case open in front of him with some money inside. Jules was amazed at how his singing was, it was beautiful. 

Jules was immediately drawn to the boy as he strummed his guitar. She approached the boy, pulling her brunette hair out of the tight ponytail she was wearing atop her head.

"Nice tune you got there," she grinned down at Mason, surprising him.

"Thanks!" the young man said. 

Jules exhaled and smiled, "Yeah! you're amazing." This made Jules realize her mistake and the boy looked at her confused again she let out a few chuckles, "I mean your music is amazing."

"Oh, thanks," he replied awkwardly to the girl.

"Yeah," Jules mutters as she fidgets uncomfortably with her fingers.

She nervously chuckled and said, "I'm Julissa Manchester," holding out her hand to the boy. "But you can call me Jules."

"Mason," the boy replied, shaking Jules' hand. "Are you around here?"

"I work here," Jules said as she gestured to the shop that said "Junk'n stuff."

Ray glances up at the shop muttering, "Cool!" They both smile at each other until Jules breaks away and walks up to his guitar case that has money, "So." She glances at the money and then turns to Mason. "Do you normally play here?"

"Yeah!" Mason nodded as he put two hands in his front pockets, "I know I should play where there are more crowds but I prefer fewer people, the better."

"Oh..." Jules nodded as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. "What are you going to do with the money that you have?"

"I am using it to buy a skateboard," Mason states as he walks toward the case picks the money up, and puts it inside his backpack.

"Why don't you just ask your parents?" Jules shrugs. "You know buy one for you."

"I could" Mason glanced in her direction and chuckled. "But I prefer to make my own money."

"Cool," Jules smiled at the boy. She feels her bracelet vibrating and glances down at her wrist, her uncle needs her downstairs, so she puts her wrist behind her back. "I should probably go, but if you ever want to play something together I - uh - sometimes play piano." Immediately after saying the sentence aloud, Jules realized what a desperate dork she sounded like. Honestly, she just wanted to make another friend besides Henry and Charlotte.

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