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HAYLEE MANCHESTER was barely young when she became a mother to her precious baby girl, Julissa Abigail Manchester. The young family of two was filled with joy as they basked in the support of her parents and the happiness of her brother Ray, who adored being an uncle to his niece. Despite the challenges, he faces in his mission to protect Swellview from crime.

Although Julissa seemed like a normal baby, she had unknowingly developed a special ability to generate light-blue and purple teleportation warp portals. She can allow her to relocate individuals and items within a designated region. 

One day a Four-year-old Jules was playing in the flower garden in her front yard when all of a sudden, a ladybug fell on her. Due to her panic, Jules accidentally created a portal that swept her neighbors off their feet and into it, where they were never seen again. Fearing for Jules's safety and the neighbors finding out about her powers, her mother asked her father to make her a special bracelet that would keep them under control. 

Thereafter, Jules doesn't go out much to meet new people because her mother's afraid they'll find out about her power. When her mother had to go on business trips, she left Jules with her uncle Ray Manchester in Swellview. Ray helped raise Jules while her mother was away.

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None of the characters, plot points, or wacky events depicted in Henry Danger belong to me. Nickelodeon owns all of those rights. 

Only I am the rightful owner of my oc's. Respect their characters and don't take any of their lines.

Also, I hope you like this book series.

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