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It was almost midnight, the middle of the summer break. Draco was standing in his private bathroom, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't recognize himself anymore. His eyes were blank, surrounded with dark circles. His skin was ashy and dull. He looked tired, exhausted even. And he in fact was.

He teared his eyes away from his reflection and his look landed on his bed which was still perfectly made, completely untouched. He was dreading the moment he would fall asleep again. His nights were full of terrors now. Everytime he woke up he felt more tired than the day before. He was haunted.


Every Night for the past few weeks.

Only nightmares. He couldn't remember the last time he had a nice dream or even a dreamless night. And he was certain this night would not be any different. His eyes flicked again, this time to his left forearm which was still burning. His pale skin was red and irritated around the hideous pitch black mark. It was still fresh. The memory from today's morning was flashing in front of his eyes everytime he blinked.

Yeah, there was no doubt he would have some nasty nightmare yet again.

Draco let out a deep sight and moved to his bed, his eyes fixated on the dark ceiling for a few moments before he finally dared to close them. Even though he was terrified to fall asleep he couldn't resist it any longer. His body screamed at him, demanding some kind of rest. And he finally succumbed.

* * *

Draco blinked a few times in surprise. He expected darkness, fear, loud noises and pain but there was none of that. What more he was surrounded with the complete opposite. There was so much light. He looked up and his face was hit with warm sun beams, tickling his nose, making him want to sneeze. The sky was completely clear without a single cloud.

He could feel he was standing on some kind of unstable surface and when he looked down he saw his bare feet were buried in soft sand. He was on a beach. As soon as he realized it he was hit by a soft sound of waves crashing on the shore. He blinked again when he realized he was wearing more casual clothes than he was used to, his pants and sleeves were rolled up.

It was calm and peaceful here. He felt safe. There was not a single soul around. At least he thought for a few seconds until he noticed a small figure sitting on the nearby docks. His curiosity won, his legs almost unknowingly started walking toward the person.

It was a girl. She had to be of a similar age to Draco. She was sitting at the edge of the dock, with her dress rolled up to her thighs so it didn't get wet. The waves were washing over her feet. She was leaning back on her arms, facing the sun with closed eyes, a small smile was decorating her face. Her long curly hair was falling almost to her waist.

She looked so calm and happy, so beautiful. Draco was almost scared to walk closer, scared that he would frightened her and made her disappeared, but his legs were acting on their own again. The old wooden dock squeaked under his next step and he immediately froze on the place.

"I was waiting for you, Draco" she said with her eyes still closed but her smile grew bigger. Draco immediately noticed the cute dimple that appeared on her cheek.

"You were?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes," she finally looked at him. Her eyes were in the most beautiful shade of brown, like melted chocolate. He also noticed a few freckles on her button nose.

"How do you know I was coming?"

"It's your dream after all," she giggled softly and patted the wood next to her a few times with her small palm in the sign for him to sit. Draco didn't hesitate now, sat down and dipped his feet into the water. It was cold but not freezing. He found it really refreshing actually. "You looked surprised."

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