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Alora did a few quick steps and jumped into his open arms. His scent immediately flooded her lungs and the familiar feeling of comfort and safety enveloped her as soon as their bodies touched. As she jumped she quickly snaked her legs around his hips and locked her hands behind his neck, squeezing him tightly, burying her head between his neck and shoulder. Draco caught her with ease. She felt even smaller in his arms than he remembered. He instantly got worried about what she had to go through as she was running from the Dark Lord.

Alora felt like she could start purring with happiness as he was softly caressing her hair with one hand, the other tightly wrapped around her waist. She missed him so badly. She was afraid if he was still thinking about her sometimes, if he still liked her but all her doubts disappeared when she saw his grey eyes staring at her with even more love than when she saw him for the last time.

After several long minutes of just hugging she finally raised her head again so she could look at him and asked him dozens of questions that were prickling her tongue. But before she even had a chance to open her mouth he silenced her with a desperate kiss. She kissed him back, putting all her feelings, her love and adoration and so much more into the kiss as she was trying to make it up for all the lost months.

Alora slowly slid down, getting back on her feet again without breaking the kiss. Her head started to spin and her knees buckled. But Draco held her firmly as he continued kissing her.

"Ehm. I know I asked you to name your first child after me but I would appreciate it if you could move the making process somewhere else, ideally place that is not my bedroom," Blaise said with an amused tone.

Draco felt like Alora froze under his lips and immediately started smirking. He pecked her lips one more time and looked up at his Slytherin friend, he was almost positive that she was as red as tomato right now.

"I have to admit that you were right, Zabini. No one will ever be able to top your gift."

"And I have to admit I am a little bit hurt, Draco. I feel completely invisible right now. And I thought we were best friends," Theo chimed in as he left the bathroom.

"Oh hush, Teddy bear, you should learn how to share," Alora scolded him playfully.

"Teddy bear?" Draco raised his brow.

"Do you have something against it?"

"Not at all. I just thought that Theo would mind."

"He loves it," Alora giggled.

Theo just shrugged his shoulders and Draco couldn't help but laugh. The noise sounded almost foreign, going out of his mouth. Draco didn't smile anymore and he definitely didn't laugh. But right now it felt just right. It felt like he could allow himself to be a teenager who is deeply in love, he could allow himself to be normal, happy.

They spend the rest of the night catching up. Blaise and Theo were occupying the bed while Draco was sitting on the chair with Alora on his lap. The two of them were literally glued together, always touching at least with an inch. Alora was leaning against his chest, her head resting under his chin. She was content and happy. She was fully aware that it was only temporary but she didn't let these dark thoughts destroy this perfect moment. She was just simply enjoying it while it lasted.

"Why are you even here?" Draco asked when they all got comfortable.

Theo looked at Alora to silently ask her if he should explain it or if she wanted to do it. But one single glance was enough to know that she wasn't exactly in the right state of mind to explain anything. He just chuckled and started. "When you warned me in the forest that day we almost immediately left the house and we were on the run ever since. During the summer and most of the autumn we were traveling around the coast, camping. Alora's dad gave us one of those clever little tents which are much bigger on the inside. But we underestimated the weather and I got sick. Some nasty little thing that got stuck in my lungs. Since we didn't have any money left and didn't have any useful potions we just took the risk and apparated here."

"Are you okay now?" Draco was obviously worried. He looked at Theo thoroughly but he didn't notice anything particularly different about him.

"I am. Mostly thanks to your lovely girlfriend," Theo smiled.

Draco felt a wave of warmth washed over him. He was proud of her and he was glad she and Theo were getting along so well. He quickly intertwined his fingers with Alora's, letting their joined hands rest on her stomach. As he was caressing her thumb with his he noticed the ring he gave her was still on her hand. At that moment he couldn't be happier.

"I didn't do anything extraordinary," Alora shook her head disapprovingly. "Blaise did all the work in the end."

"You kept me alive for enough time so Blaise still had something to save."

"Don't be morbid, Theo," Alora frowned at him.

"Was it that serious?" Draco asked, surprised.

"I think he had severe pneumonia. It's quite possible that the inflammation moved further into his body and seriously damaged his lungs. He still has some recovery to do but the worst is averted," Blaise explained.

Draco was shocked that he could lose his best friend like that. Alora immediately noticed the growing tension in his body and nuzzled her head further into his chest, kissing his neck softly. And just like that, he immediately relaxed.

"I am okay, really. Ready to go camping again. I am already missing the toasted marshmallows," Theo tried to lighten the mood and luckily it worked even if only a little. "How's school Blaise?"

"It sucks. As you may already know Snape is the new headmaster. But we almost never see him anyway. The Carrow siblings are now teaching there and they really like using the torture curse as punishment. They are enjoying all physical punishments in general. They really took a liking to the Longbottom boy. He has a new bruise or cut almost every week. I would've never guess how brave he can be. Stupid but undoubtedly brave. "

"Neville?" Alora blurred out in shock. Neville always seemed to be so shy, sweet and quiet. It looked like there was much more in him than anyone would have thought.

"Yeah, he is something like the leader of the resistance," Blaise chuckled. "Something you are allowed to share, Dray?"

"Not much. I have fewer quests since I'm also attending Hogwarts. The Dark Lord seemed kind of distracted with something lately. I guess it's Potter. They don't invite me to any important meetings anymore. Even when my father is out of prison right now our family is at the bottom of his list of favourites right now. As long as it means he will ignore me I am fine with that."

"So you are no longer part of the hunt on Alora and me?"

"No. Grayback replaced me," Draco shivered at the mention of the nasty being. He was pissed when they told him but there was nothing he could do about it. For some reason his parents insist him to go back to school and Voldemort wasn't against it. He guessed since his father was now back in duty Draco was more useful as a spy in the castle.

"Let's change the topic," Alora suggested, also not wanting to think about the werewolf.

The rest of the night they talked about more pleasant stuff. About their plans for the future, about their favorite memories from childhood, about their carefree years in school. The time flew by in rapid speed and it was already time to say goodbye again. Draco had to head back to the manor so no one came looking for him here. His mother was overprotective lately, rightfully so.

The goodbye was painful. Alora thought she would never have to do it ever again but here they were, standing in their friend's bedroom, hugging and kissing like it should be their last time together. Both of them hoped it wasn't.

Last thing Draco saw before he apparated away was a pair of glossy chocolate eyes looking at him with a look full of love and hope. Hope that next time they see each other it will be forever.

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