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* * *

Alora looked at the bright scene in front of her. It was neither the beach or the cabin. It wasn't Hogsmeade either or another place connected with Draco. It wasn't even a real place. The houses were made out of chocolate and crackers. The grass was in various shades of pink and purples and the nearby pond was full of some kind of soft drink, sparkling and fizzing. Instead of apples or pears the trees were covered with all sorts of candies.

This was definitely some child's dream.

Alora watched it all from the usual space. She wasn't present in the dream. She was there to simply keep the nightmare away.

She saw some little girl walking around in complete astonishment, her eyes wide opened. Her fear was simple darkness. It was lurking above her, wanting to creep down. Alora had no problem holding the protective barrier around her dream world. This nightmare was nothing compared to Draco's one.

* * *

Alora woke up well-rested. It was quite a welcome change. As much as she was enjoying spending time with Draco, it was starting to take its toll on her. His nightmares were the strongest one she ever experienced and it always required a lot of her energy to manage them.

Alora got up and started preparing her stuff for the day, thinking. She was curious if Draco didn't need her anymore. She was working with him for more then four months and he didn't make any progress during that time. Quite the contrary actually. His nightmares only grew stronger by the time. But now, out of nowhere, they disappeared. She couldn't help but smile at the thought that their little date yesterday had something to do with it. If only she wasn't so scared to let him in. He could get better much sooner.

"Morning, love," Felix greeted her with a quick kiss on her cheek as she plopped down on the seat next to him.

"Morning," she smiled at him warmly and started putting some food on her plate. She always loved breakfast at Hogwarts. The food was always so delicious and helped her fill up her energy level after a particularly hard night. Even though she didn't usually enjoyed it in the Great Hall in fear Draco would see her. Luckily the Hufflepuff common room was situated right next to the kitchen and she was a great friend with several elfs.

"Someone is shining brighter than the sun this morning," Felix stated happily, biting into his toast.

Alora lowered her eyes bashfully, suddenly really interested in the cinnamon roll on her plate, hating the fact that Felix could read her like that. She looked up just in time to see Draco entering the Great Hall. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. They exchanged a quick smile before looking in a different direction. The change in her face didn't go unnoticed by Felix. He measured Draco with a glance, seeing the same dreamy face on his face as Alora had right now. It was clear as day.

"Alora!" He whisper-shouted at her.


"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He looked at her strictly.

Alora oblivious he noticed their little exchange earlier shook her head. "Nope."

Felix decided to not to pray for now. He and Alora were always honest to each other and he knew if she didn't want to tell him she had a good reason for it. He trusted her. But he didn't trust Draco. He measured the Slytherin with a thorough gaze. He looked different. Happier maybe? Definitely not as tense and angry. Maybe he was different than he seemed to be.

When the breakfast was coming to an end Draco stood up and headed towards the exit. He stole a few more glances towards the Hufflepuff table, watching his favorite person once more before they had to head to their classes. His eyes were still on the beauty in front of him that he didn't notice Dennis Creevey stood up from his table, also wanting to leave the Great Hall. They collided, Draco stumbling back, barely able to stay on his leg.

Dennis looked up, his eyes wide opened when he noticed who he bumped into. Alora was oblivious to the scene behind her but Felix was watching it with undisguised interest, waiting for Draco's reaction. He expected him to yell at Dennis, maybe throw some insult at him. Dennis was a muggle-born and a Gryffindor after all. Both traits that the blond Slytherin boy would find degrading for some reasons. But to Felix's surprise Draco only mumbled a quiet 'Sorry' and continued his stroll out of the hall.

Felix let out a thoughtful hum. Maybe he did change a little. But he still wanted to watch out for him. Just in case. He didn't want Alora to get hurt.

The day was dragging and it felt endless. Despite the good quality sleep Alora felt pretty tired at the end of the classes. Her pace was slow as she dragged herself towards the Great Hall for super after her Alchemy class. All of her classmates were already gone and she was left alone, not that she really cared. She was used to it considering the fact that her only real friend was Felix and he was a year older than her.

She just exited the dungeons when someone dragged her out of the empty hallway into one of the classrooms. She didn't even have time to let out a scream. It got stuck in her throat when a familiar scent surrounded her.

"Draco," Alora chuckled softly, trying to calm down her hammering heart.

"I missed you last night," Draco complained, pulling her in his arms.

Alora let out a happy hum, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It made her own heart calm down almost instantly, synchronizing with his. "I missed you too. But it also made me happy, because it means you are getting better," she admitted, tilting her head slightly so she could look into his pale grey eyes.

"Only because of you," Draco smiled at her and finally pressed his lips on hers again, kissing her gently, tasting her as if it was for the first time again.

They had a little bit of time before the supper started so they decided to use every second of it. Draco sat on the ground, pulling Alora in between his legs. She was completely surrounded by his warmth, as he snaked both of his arms around her small body, pressing her further onto his chest. Her hair was tickling his chin as she rested her head underneath his.

"Felix suspects something," Alora interrupted the comfortable silence.

"Theo is too."

"I don't want to lie to him. And I don't think you should lie to Theo either. Not when you two are going on so well right now. You need friends."

"I am so happy you are saying this, Alora. I know we wanted to keep this a secret but I think we need someone on our side to make this work. I can't keep kidnapping you like this," Draco chuckled.

"The only problem is that I am not a hundred percent sure Felix is on OUR side yet." Alora felt his body stiffened under her so she quickly continued. "I believe he will be after I speak to him. After he realized how happy you made me. You both have something common after all."

"We both care about you and would never hurt you," Draco agreed. He knew that Alora and Felix were close. But he wasn't jealous. There was no need for that. It was clear that Felix cared about her but only as a sister. They were like family.

"And that's the reason why he will be on our side in the end. Because he will see that being without you would hurt me the most," she tilted her head and pecked his neck gently, just under his ear.

Feeling her soft lips on his neck send a shiver down his spine. Draco closed his eyes and let out a deep breath through his nose. It felt so right. They were like two puzzle pieces, perfectly fitting together. He felt like Alora shifted her body slightly, putting her head back on his chest. He was positive she could hear how his heart skipped a beat when she started brushing her fingers up and down his arms that were resting on her belly.

"We should go, we already missed half of the supper probably," Draco mustered the courage to say what both of them were only thinking.

"I really don't want to," she protested, nuzzling her head further onto his chest.

Draco chuckled softly at the sight of her, she was simply adorable. "I know, sweetheart, I don't want to go either," he pressed a long kiss into her hair before he slowly stood up and helped her onto her feet.

"Fine. I guess I have to talk to Felix anyway."

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