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Spring was quickly approaching and Draco was finally released. It took longer than anybody expected. They didn't know which curse Harry used but it had to be some pretty nasty one. Madam Pomfrey said that they could prevent the scarring if dittany was applied sooner. Unfortunately Snape had to stop the bleeding first hence there was no time for dittany.

Alora was visiting Draco every night until he was released. Draco always protested that she should be rather sleeping but it was to no avail. But he was secretly happy inside, feeling somewhat proud that she was constantly breaking school rules because of him. It really showed him that she didn't lie that night when he woke up. That she might really love him.

Theo and Blaise were also visiting him everyday. Unlike Alora they could do that freely during the day. Not many more of his Slytherin classmates came to see him though. Not that Draco minded. At least he now knew who his real friends were. Both of his friends were bringing him assignments and homeworks, helping him not to fall too far behind in classes.

The day he could finally leave both Theo and Blaise were there to escort him.

"You don't seem really happy to see us," Blaise chuckled as he was packing Draco's books and parchments in his school bag.

"He wishes we were someone else," Theo snickered under his breath but both his friends heard.

"Is that so?" Blaise asked with undisguised interest, flicking his brows.

"Theodore!" Draco hissed, annoyed.

"Now I am interested," Blaise sat down on the hospital bed, grinning like crazy. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

"Maybe," Draco retorted briefly, whisking his bag out of Blaise's hands, heading towards the exit lazily.

"Come on, Dray. I can keep secrets," Blaise immediately jumped on his feet, following Draco. "You know?" He looked at Theo and he only chuckled quietly. "He knows! I want to know!"

Draco laughed at his friend's behaviour. He was like a little kid. For a brief moment everything felt like there was nothing wrong with this world, like everything was normal. Just three best friends talking about usual teen stuff.

"It is that Alora girl you have asked me once about, isn't it?" Blaise tried to pry again.

As on call Alora appeared at the opposite end of the hallway that was unusually busy with studen life. Her wild curls were down once again, making her easily recognizable. Draco loved that she was wearing her hair down more often now, when she didn't have to hide from him anymore. He loved to play with her curls when they were alone and she looked breathtaking like that.

It was clear that she wanted to be there when he could finally leave the infirmary. It made Draco's heart flutter again when he realized that's exactly why she was here right now, to be there for him and support him at least from afar.

She smiled at him when their eyes met. Two all so familiar dimples appeared on each of her cheek and Draco felt like he was falling for her all over again. He continued his pace as nothing happened, like he didn't want to throw everything on the ground and grab her instead, hug her, kiss her. When they passed each other Alora moved her hand ever so slightly that their fingers brushed against each other. That little touch sent a shiver down his spine.

Draco could feel Blaise's eyes on him but he didn't care right now. He already decided that he could trust him. Blaise was quickly flicking his eyes between Draco, Alora and Theo, his face full of questions.

"That's her?" He mouthed silently at Theo who only nodded with an amused smirk.

They continued walking until they were near dungeons. There was nobody there since it was almost time for their first class.

"I am impressed, Draco," Blaise patted his shoulder a few times proudly. "She is gorgeous."

Draco gave him an amused side-eye, still not saying anything.

"Why keeping it a secret? I would be elated to call her my girl. Showing her proudly to the whole school."

"It's complicated," Draco sighed sadly. "I don't have the best reputation right now. You know, since my father is in Azkaban and all that crap. It isn't safe for her to be associated with someone like me right now." Draco was choosing his words wisely, rubbing his left forearms nervously.

Blaise's eyes immediately followed the movement of Draco's arm. His eyes flew wide open when he realized what Draco was trying to say. "No," he breathed out sorrowfully.

"Unfortunately, yes. Not by choice though."

"I am so sorry, Dray," Blaise pulled his friend into a quick and firm hug. "If you need anything, I am here."

Draco only shook his head. "I am not pulling you into this mess, Blaise."

"Fine," Blaise exhaled deeply once again. "But I am still happy for you and Alora. I hope it will work out for you two."

"Thanks, Zabini," Draco gave him a sad smile and continued his walk towards the Slytherin common room.

Draco was relieved that they have yet another person on their side. After his little argument with Alora he realized how lonely she really was. He noticed how every person in Hufflepuff except Felix ignored her. How all of her other classmates also paid her zero attention. He knew that it wasn't their fault. He knew that Alora chose to be alone but he also knew that she was suffering.

Luckily both Theo and Blaise really liked her. Of course they did, she was Hufflepuff after all. She was kind and lovable and caring. They quickly became friends and Draco couldn't be happier even though they spent the most of their time together in secret. It was all worth it if he could hear her laughter everyday.

And now she needed friends more than ever since he had to spend more and more time in the Room of Requirement. He didn't like it. Not one bit but he had to do it. After weeks of almost no progress he finally decided to ask Snape for help. He still wasn't completely sure which side he was on but he was a great help in the end. It was almost the end of April when he was finally able to send an apple through the cabinet and it came back with a bite. And it was almost the end of May when a living bird came through the cabinet.

Draco knew that his happy times spent with his love and best friends were swiftly coming to an end. Their future was uncertain. It wasn't clear if he could come back to the castle after he finished his task but it was certain that he wouldn't come back if he didn't finish it. Draco was already hating the possibility that he wouldn't be able to see her again but he quickly came to terms with it because it meant she would be alive and relatively safe. Much safer than if he would fail.

Draco was quite confident about his Occlumency skill to the extent that he would probably be able to resist even Veritaserum. But he couldn't be sure if he would be able to keep his mind shut whilst tortured. And Voldemort would have definitely taken his time with him before the inevitable death.

He had to succeed for her. It was the only way to keep her safe. He repeated it in his head over and over.

"S-Sorry, Mr. Malfoy," a small frightened voice pulled him out of his depressed thoughts. He looked down and saw a small Slytherin boy, probably first-year, shaking and looking at him with undisguised fear in his eyes.

"Yes?" He raised his eyebrow with anticipation.

"Professor Snape asked me to pass you a note," he stretched his hand, holding a small folded piece of paper.

Draco snatched it out his finger, waving his other hand as a sign for the boy to leave. He didn't hesitate for a single moment and sprinted out of the common room to his dorm without a single look back at the older Slytherin. Draco quickly unfold the paper and his heart immediately started hammering like crazy. He wished for at least a few more days. But the time was ticking. He looked once more at those four little words that sealed his fate before he threw the note into the fireplace.

Tomorrow 9pm.Astronomy tower.

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